It's been a rough week

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Hey everyone, I've come across a bump in the road.  I was going through chapters and noticed that the next two had the exact same content...

I don't know when they were copied over each other, but now I have to rewrite the chapter that was supposed to be posted this Thursday :(  It's not the best timing for me either because I have a lot of final school projects to worry about since it's my last month of school.  

It'll take me a few extra days to recollect the chapter because I honestly don't remember what was in it.  

With that being said, there will be no chapter this week and probably not the week after that as well.  I'm very upset about finding this mistake because now I have to set aside more time in my day that I really don't have to rewrite a chapter that was finished a while ago.  

It's no one's fault but m own, so I hope you can all wait a little longer. 


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