Optimus x Photographer!Human!Reader

Start from the beginning

I felt a bit off about it but pushed it a side. He wouldn't hide something from me would he? Nah they're my best friends.

"Well I'll text my parents and I'll text you if I can ok?" He smiled at me and waved goodbye, speeding away.

I turned to look for Raf but I assume he already got picked up as I couldn't find him anywhere. I took out my phone and told my mom that school had extra tutoring so I would be able to stay out longer. As soon as I sent it she replied back.

'Yeah it's fine! Keep those grades up and no hanging out with boys or men got it!'

I sighed. 'She really doesn't trust me with guys'

"We really gotta go back already Bee?!" A voice came out of no where.

I walked over to a little area which seemed closed off and almost dropped my camera.

A huge yellow and black bot was with Raf arguing?

They both looked at me as I stood there dumbfounded. "See Bee? I told you not to transform!" Raf yelled at the bot named Bee.

I ran over and grined like a child. "Whoa! Bee you're cool!" I stood back and took some cool ass pics of him as Bee quickly transformed back making me stop. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you!"

Raf laughed and pulled me over. "Guess the secrets out... Bee no need to hide now, she's a friend of mine. "

I smiled and waved. "I'm Y/n! Nice to meet you Bee." I held out my hand as he transformed back and cutely shook my hand making me giggle.

Bee started to beep to Raf and picked me up. "Hehehe!" He placed me on his shoulder as Raf smiled.

"Yup she's the nicest person your gonna know." Bee started to pat my head and play around with me as Raf coughed.

"Bee we gotta go back remember?" Bee sadly beeped and placed me down.

"To the base I assume?" I smugly said as Raf stopped. "How did you know?!" Smiling, I looked at Bee. "Jack said it and tried to cover it up so I put two and two together."

"Well then I guess we gotta take you with us." Raf smiled and Bee did a slight dance making me giggle.

Bee transformed once more and honked his horn excitedly. Raf rolled his eyes, chucking. "Bee you never get this excited about meeting someone new...maybe someone has a crush?"

Bee hit Raf with the door as he got in on the passengers side. I went around and Bee opened the door for me. I sat down and was really comfortable. Bee wrapped the seat belt around us and started driving. "Wow so Bee drives too?" I put my hands on the wheel as the car moved a bit.

"Be careful about his wheel, surprisingly Bee is very ticklish." Raf pulled out his computer and started typing about.

"We'll be arriving in about 15 minutes so you can ask Bee anything and I'll translate it to you!" Raf grinned.

(Time skip)

I looked at some of the pictures I took and looked mainly at Bee's. We entered some type of tunnel and entered a gray room. Bee stopped as Raf got out.

There's more of Bee's kind?!

I was to scared to get out as I heard a voice. ::Come on Y/n, no need to be scared::

I fell out the car and rolled back." Ow that hurt the hell!" Bee went over to me and picked me up. ::Are you ok?!::

We both looks at each other with widened eyes. "I can hear you!"

Transformers x reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now