Chapter 29

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*Mature content ahead. Ye be warned!

"What's the difference between an allusion and an epigraph?" I raise my hand, if just to have something to do, as remaining silent the entire class is being unbearable.

"Yes, Alexia."

"An epigraph is when an author includes a quotation from other work at the beginning of the text, with the hope of helping readers to understand better his work. An allusion is the same, except in this case the quotation is included in the text."

"Touché." Nathaniel completes the information on the board before closing up his lecture, reminding us to check our grades from the midterm on the board outside his office next Monday. "Before you go, I want to remind you that today is the final round of the Scientific Poster Competition, in which your classmate, Ms. Saunders is a finalist." Nathaniel says interrupting the ruffling of books and chairs moving, momentarily locking eyes with me. "The exhibit is from 12 to 3PM."

Oh, yes. The dreadful day has arrived. I can't help feeling proud of myself for making it this far, as I never win any kind of competition —not even those silly things on the internet—, so enough said, I've been walking a little taller around the halls lately. At the same time, I know that I shouldn't sin of over-confidence seeing my chances of actually wining are reduced. 

"Hey," Abigail says, nagging me on the ribs, "do you need anything?" I shake my head no, standing up from my seat. "Okay, then let's go, you don't want to be late."

"Uhm, actually, I need to go through some last-minute questions with Nathaniel." 

"Okay... see you later then." She gives me that smile that skims sarcasm and apprehension at the same time, and although none of us has voiced what is of course happening, I'm still convinced that she knows.

I make sure everyone has left the room before approaching Nathaniel, who is now leaning against the hardwood desk, arms tucked inside the pockets of his trousers..

"Are you ready?" I start shaking my head no, but when he gives me a disapproving look, I immediately opt for a yes. 

We have spent at least an hour each day over the last week going through key topics of my research along with me reciting the now engraved in my brain speech, with Nathaniel throwing all kind of questions my way. Nevertheless, it doesn't compare practicing with him to in actual fact presenting my work in front of the judges; very smart and eminent people that I've never interacted with before.

"You'll do just fine. I'm sure of that."

"I'm extremely nervous. I feel like I'm going to say something that I shouldn't and th–"

"Alex," he cuts me off, as he knows once my anxiety gets the best part of me, there will be no turning back. "Come here." I erase the little distance standing between us and he wraps my body with his strong, caring arms. I snuggle into his chest, his warmth and touch being the reassurance I need right now.

"Go show them, baby." He takes my face between his palms, giving me a brief kiss. "I'll see you there."


I locate my poster along the hall, number 27, and stand by it in wait of the judges. They told us that we weren't obliged to present our research to anyone else besides the judges, only if we wanted to, but as I'm seeing things right now, a little bit of rehearsal wouldn't do me wrong. The posters to my left and right, are psychology and medical engineering based, with tons of graphics and tables to sustain their work, while mine, relies on beautifully artified words and sentences. I stand no chance.

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