I sit down at the window and let my feet dangle from the window. The space beneath me and the height is enough to send my heart into a frenzy. I scoot back just a little and take another drink from the bottle.

Each sip, each gulp of wine seems like a better idea each time and by the time I open the second bottle I've forgotten why I was upset at all. I grip the bottle tighter and strain my eyes to see the view that was perfectly clear almost an hour ago. I grab ahold of the side of the window to steady myself as I groan in frustration.

I look around in boredom and see comic books sprawled across the floor behind me. Carl said he came up here often to read with Judith. She would color and he would flick through the same comic he's read about 50000 times.

I grab a piece of paper and a green crayon.
Before I know it I'm writing. At first I thought I was writing a small diary entry of my thoughts but soon enough I figure out its a letter. That should be fun to read tomorrow. I quickly sign the bottom of it and fold the paper three times before putting it in my back pocket.

When I feel something fuzzy behind me I choose to ignore it until I feel something wet run across my cheek. I swat it away.
"What the h- ....Fangs?"
He licks me again and I rub behind his ears. He likes that.
"Buddy ? How'd you get here? Finally had enough of Rick's bullshit huh ? Can't say I blame you bud." I shrug with a giggle.
"Actually I brought him here. Well, he followed me." A voice answers from behind me.

Instead of turning around I just lie flat on the ground and look up.
"Kai? Hey, wasszz up?"
"Madison?..." His eyes narrow in on the bottle in my hand.  "... are you drunk?"
I shrug. "I'm moderately functional."
He rolls his eyes. "I'll take that as a no."
"Give it to me." He insists, holding his hand out.
"Did anyone ever tell you that you have a nice accent?" I laugh.
Why is that funny?

I don't know why that's so funny but it only makes me laugh more.
"Madison, seriously, give me the bottle."
"Fine but you're gonna have to catch me to get i-"
With little effort he reaches over and grabs the bottle from my numb hands, it slips right out of my grasp.
"Fine, but only because I'm drunk... and too tired to run."

Kai sits down next to me and wraps his hand around my waist, holding me closer to his body than I'm used to.
"Woah... Carl is gonna be pisssseeddd."
Kai rolls his eyes at me again.
"Maddie, you're drunk and dangling from a bell tower almost twenty foot from the ground. I don't know about you but I don't think that's a good combination. I'm just making sure you don't plummet to your death."
"How chivalrous." I chuckle.

"Why did you do this to yourself Madison?" He sighs.
I groan and twist myself around so when I lie down I can safely gaze up at the stars.
He copies me and waits for my answer.
"There was a lot of noise in my head. I just wanted it to stop."
"And you thought wine was the solution?"
"No. I don't really know why I drank it to be honest."

The silence between us lasts a few long minutes before I say anything.
"I don't know why I do a lot of the things I do." I admit.
"Me too, believe me. Except I don't usually find comfort in ... this rubbish." He adds shaking the half empty bottle in front of us.

Again, more silence. It only allows my mind to wonder which is exactly what I didn't want to do. I don't want to think I just want to get on with things.
"...Carl and I broke up."

He's silent for a minute before he replies.
"When I went to check on you a few minutes ago at the house, he answered the door. I figured something was up. Although, things seemed to be weird with you two even before tonight. I'm guessing it was never that way with you guys before?"

I shake my head and almost smile at the memories that seem to be so long ago.
"No. We were perfect. He was my best friend. He was ...everything and I didn't think it was possible to have both of things at once but he's different. It wasn't always perfect, we fought, more than we probably should have but somehow that just made me love him even more, because he never gave up on me, on us. I love him so much sometimes I think my heart could burst but things are different now...

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