Chapter Thirty

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*Couple Days Later*

"Let's go on a car ride" Kiba said as he came back from his trip from the bathroom.

"Right now?" Yani yawned.

"Why not? The sun is about to set in the next hour. Let's go for a drive" Kiba insisted.

"You're not taking no for an answer huh?" Yani let out a sigh and gave a light hearted laugh. "Alright you win, let me get dressed"

During the car ride the two had the windows down feeling the wind and smelling the ocean breeze. Yani glances out the window looking at the sunset from afar.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Yani said.

"Not as beautiful as you" Kiba gave her a cheesy smile.

"Always the flirt" she smiled and reached for his hand. Kiba intertwine his fingers with hers. "Remember when you brought me to the beach for a date?"

"How could I forget?"

"Can we do it again?" She looked over to him. Her eyes welded with tears that she held back. Her face was flushed.

"Of course we can. I'll do anything for you"

As Kiba made his way to the beach he parked he played with his phone for a quick second and got out of the car to open Yani's door.

"My love" he bowed as he opened her door. She let out a giggle and got out and he closed the door. "May I have this dance?" He held out his hand.

"There's no music Kiba"

"There will be, trust me" he said. She only smiled and took his hand. (Play video if you want to hear the song above).

"I see you still know how to dance" Yani said happily.

"Why would I ever forget? I learned to dance just for you" Kiba kissed her head. He spun her around and they continued to dance.

"I love you so much Kiba. I love you, Rachel, Sakura... I just love all of you" she cried.

"I know you do love. I love you too Yani. I am blessed to have met you and to have married you and have a beautiful daughter and to have a wonder life with you. You mean the world to me and I will never change it for anything else. You are my soulmate, my one and only Yani. I will forever be yours" Kiba embraces her into his arms. He held his head high as tears streamed down his face. Yani held him onto him tightly and cried harder. "Come on, let's sit on the hood" he picked up Yani and placed her on the hood of the car. He got on as well and she laid on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her body and held her tightly.



"Thank you Kiba, thank you for everything"

"You know I'll do anything for you"

"I know. Oh how I love you so much Kiba... thank you my love" Yani sniffled. Kiba kisses her head and they both watch the sunset. Yani rested her head on Kiba's shoulder. The ocean waves and seagulls were heard the pass thirty minutes. His nap was a nice relaxing one.

"Ready love?" Kiba asked as he yawned. Yani didn't respond. "Sweetheart, ready to go home?" He lightly patted her lap. Still no response. "Yani..." he looked at her face. Her eyes were closed. She had a soft smile like always on her face, her lips lightly parted. "Yani..." Kiba cried. "Yani please wake up..." he began to cry as he carefully carried her body in his arms. "Yani!!!" He screamed into her chest. He sobbed. His heart ached. He thought he was prepared for the passing, the pain, for everything that was coming. He was a failure. He was weak. He held his lifeless wife in his arms as he cried.

"KIBA!!!!" Sakura yelled from down the hall of the hospital as she ran to him. Kiba saw Sakura and held onto her when she wrapped her arms around him. Sakura sobbed along with Kiba.

"It's all my fault..." he said.

"No, no. Don't start that... Kiba you aren't at fault. This isn't your fault!" Sakura cried. "You didn't do an-"

"I COULD OF HELPED HER!" Kiba screamed into her shoulders. "I KNEW!!!! I SHOULD OF DONE SOMETHING!!!" Sakura held onto Kiba tighter. "I could of saved her..." he sobbed. No matter what Sakura said he blamed himself. The only thing she could do was to hold onto him and not let go.

"Why are we here Sasuke?" Rachel was holding Sasuke's hand. He stayed silent as they walked down the same hallway Sakura ran down from. "Sasuke?" From the distance they heard crying and as they got closer Rachel saw that it was her father and Sakura. They were kneeling down on the floor. Rachel let go of Sasuke's hand and rushed over to them. "Daddy why are you crying?" She was scared. Kiba shook his head. He didn't want to tell his baby girl that her mother was gone. "Daddy? Daddy please!" Rachel started crying. Sakura pulled Rachel into their circle and She hugged Rachel only repeatedly saying

"I'm sorry baby..."

"What's going on?!" Rachel sobbed.

"Mommy's gone baby... mommy's gone...." Kiba cried.

"What happened with mommy?!" Rachel yelled. The poor girl was so confused. Sakura tried to steady her voice but it was still shaky. She held onto Rachel tightly and whispered to her. Rachel's eyes widen with pain. She felt as if she couldn't breathe. Tears flowed down her face uncontrollably. She let out a cry. Kiba tried to hold onto his baby girl but she pushed him away. He fell back against a wall "YOU DIDNT LET ME SAY GOODBYE! HOW COULD YOU! I HATE YOU!!!" Rachel yelled at Kiba and ran off. Sasuke followed her.

"She hates me..." Kiba said.

"No Kiba, she's in shock... don't let what she said hurt you" Sakura told him as she held his hand. "Come on let's get up from the floor"

"Rachel it's not your dad's fault" Sasuke tried to reason with Rachel.


"Rachel, I know it hurts but it hurts your dad too you brat!" He yelled. She stopped.


"You could of never handled her passing right in front of your eyes. Your dad had her die in his arms. You don't know how your dad feels. Not only did he lose his wife. He lost his best friend! You don't have the right to be angry with your dad because he didn't know!" Sasuke got after Rachel. She began to tear up again and ran to Sasuke for comfort. He rubbed her back telling her that she'll be okay but most importantly to apologize to Kiba.



Hello everyone, sorry for the late update. I hope everyone is doing well. And thank you for being patient and enjoying the story so far. Till then,
Ja Ne~

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