01 : The Two Rivals

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Damn that girl is fast. The former thought.

Catching her breath, she halt the girl by grabbing her arm.

Rhian fought the urge to roll her eyes at this action. "Glaiza, please, I'll be late for my first class."

"Okay okay, chill. Just want to return this to you. It slipped from your book." Rhian saw her thesis paper she'd been working last night from Glaiza's hand.

"Thanks" She mumbled and was about to dash off when was yet again stopped by Glaiza.

"What now?!"

"The zipper of your bag is open." Glaiza chuckled before walking to the opposite direction. Rhian groaned in annoyance and zip her bag close before she went to her class.


Rhian's English class went smooth as always, considering that its her favourite subject and Mrs. Morris is just a very sweet teacher. She doesn't boss student around, but instead, encourage them to pour their emotions in the art of writing poems and essays.

After that, was Homeroom. Apparently, the school has this class where values are to be learn in a deeper context and instead of giving a quizzes, students are to have reflections for the remaining time. While others find it boring, Rhian find it helpful and important.

Hearing the bell rings, Rhian passed by the faculty room and gave her thesis paper to her professor before she went to meet her friends at the cafeteria. She caught them already sitting at their usual spot, talking. She bought fries and has her own tumbler before sitting at their table.

"Hey, girl! Here, we saved you some brownies. We know you love those." A tan girl with smooth black hair was the first one to greet her.

"Thanks Lovi! So, what are you guys talking about?" Rhian replied as she began munching on her food.

"There's a new transferee student. And these two had been talking nonstop." The guy who has the softest hair and cute brown eyes said who was clearly annoyed.

"Oh quit your whining, Josh! You can't possibly blame us, Benjamin is hot as hell." Julie-Anne, a girl with porcelain skin and brown highlights on her short hair said as she fan herself.

"Julie-Anne is right. As soon as he step foot at this school, he has all the girls drooling over him! Do you know how hurtful that is to me? He practically stole the attention that was suppose to be only mine! One smile from him and suddenly he become this...this chic magnet!" A boy with a clean cut hair and slightly build body commented with such irritation.

The four looked at each other with a knowing look. They were aware that Dennis has always been the attention-grabber when it comes to the ladies and to think that their friend is jealous for having another guy compete with his position is quite amusing.

"A transferee student in the middle of the year? That's new. Whose this Benjamin guy were talking about anyway?" Rhian asked.

"Speaking of the devil." They all turn to where Josh's gaze is. Rhian gasped as a tall and muscular guy walked in with Sally, one of her classmate from her English class. His alluring features made all the girls sport a dreamy look at their faces while guys stare at him with envy.

But what made Rhian surprise was seeing a joyful Glaiza run and envelope Benjamin in a hug. The latter responded by lifting her up and softly swinging her by his arms.

They know each other? Rhian thought.

The three went back to their table as Glaiza's friends welcomed Benjamin with open arms. The students went back in their business while some were gossipping about the new guy.

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