Chapter 12: Challenge Accepted!

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[Guild house in Falla Mountains]


All of us visibly flinched when we heard what Alstif said.

Everything that I've done since applying for the guild over a month ago flashes through my mind in an instant. Every spell, every afternoon that I trained, and every book that I've gone through.

There is so many things that I could be held accountable for just this past month- especially the summoning! I pray they didn't find out about the summoning!

Then all of them started laughing at our worried faces.

"Don't you guys know that you made our work a lot easier? Stop worrying you're not in trouble," said the girl next to Mikasa. She had straight black hair and white tints on her ears and tail.

We all let out a sigh of relief, but were still confused about some things.

"What exactly have you learned about us?" Asked Tiara.

"We weren't permanently keeping an eye on you but we learned just enough to figure out you're schedules and partners," answered Alstif.

"Partners?" I question.

"Each of you will be given a partner to train with for 3 weeks until the final test."

"O-Our p-personal t-tr-trainer??" Asked Eryville.

"Yes, let's get to it."

All six of them pulled a bandanna out of their pockets. These ones were orange. No one was allowed to discuss anything that happens in the initiation but someone 'let it slip' that the orange bandannas were given to the kids as a probationary bandanna until they have proven to be worth of the green one.

Each of them gave their name, rank and said their chosen partner.

A guy stepped forward with curly silver hair that covered his eyes. He had this air of depression around him. His hands were in his pockets and his shoulders drooped. "Daichi Troy, rank 9 and my partner is William Thallus," he mumbled in a lazy voice.

William approached him in a respective manner then bowed in front of him. "I look forward to working with you, sensei," he said in formal manner. Daichi just shrugged it off and gave him the bandanna. This interaction continued for all of us.

"Fugako Kimino, rank 8 and my partner is Eryville Rose," said the black hair buff-looking lycra. All of was shocked that this was Eryville's partner. "I-I look f-forward to working with you," said the brown eyed girl. Her tail was shaking like crazy. I guess she was nervous.

"Mikasa Silverton, rank 6 and my partner is the little princess!" She yelled and ran to give Tiara a big hug. She was gasping for air until Mika let go. "I... Look... forward ... to working... with you," she said between breaths. I can't say I'm not happy at the turn of events. Wait... My sister is the sixth strongest person in the guild!

"Hey everybody, Emi Kuro, rank 4, and my partner is Sael Fryer," said the girl who Mikasa was flirting with. She seemed very nice and looked about the same age as Mikasa or older. Sael just nodded after receiving his bandanna.

"Reeyaz Jaya, rank 2 and my partner is Taylor-Kindred Mason," said a grey haired girl with dumplings on a stick. "Tay-ki is fine," said Tay-ki as he took his bandanna. "I look forward to working with you," he continued.

This means that Alstif is my teacher. My eyes widen in shock as I realise from the way the ranks were going that Alstif is-

"Alstif T. Norinko, rank 1 and my partner is Hakio Silverton." He let out smile as everyone(who didn't know) dropped their jaws. My heart was racing. I was going to be trained by the best in the guild. This is just what I need to become stronger. I take the bandanna and put on my head in the form of a headband. "I hope to learn everything you have to teach, sensei."

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