Chapter 1: "I gotta get this off my chest to let it go"

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I love horoscopes! I spend almost all of my free time reading them. I sometimes think it's scary how accurate they are. I mean how is it possible that they know all that? Thing is, I also think they are extremely stupid and unrealistic. You're probably thinking that I'm ambivelent right? Wrong! Or am I? Confusing, isn't it? Trust me I know.

I am a Gemini, though most people mistake me for having a split personality syndrome, which, being what I am, in a way makes that true. I live in a life of opposites, which can sometimes, okay always, be a headache. Imagine having two voices in your head. Done? Now imagine each of these voices telling you what to do. Thing is one of them is telling you what you like, the other is telling you what you hate, and you don't know which one is you. Told you it's a headache.

So this is basically a story of my life. I just hope I don't get your hopes up. I mean, it's probably gonna be entertaining for you, don't get me wrong and close this book to go back to your regular mundane activities, but it's probably unlike most of the things you read. Maybe not, though. I really don't know. One thing to know about me; decisions are my worst nightmare.

I started writing this, umm, autobiography? In order to basically get out all the frustration that has been building through me these past few months. And what better way to ease your frustration than to share it with the whole world right? It hadn't really been my decision to write this but after a while I thought why not? And so here I am.

Okay, I'm going a bit off topic but that's the story of my life, so bare a little with me, will you? I grew up in London and had lived there for many years until my dad got a job offering here in the States a year ago and we all had to move. I was perfectly fine for the first few months here, but then I got hit by, what I've taken to call, "The Gemini Curse."

The Gemini Curse is basically when you read many horoscopes and then begin noticing all these things about yourself that you'd never known were true. That's not so bad right? Well the thing is when you start noticing these little things they begin to enlarge making your Gemini show much more than before. As if I had needed any more complications!

My story starts at it's end. Well, not literally but at a time where i had felt like it was the end. It was last year, 16 year old me, naivly thinking i was in love. How more cliche can that get! Wait to hear how it had happened.

Our story was basically boy meets girl, girl hates boy, boy likes girl, boy makes big gesture, and then girl likes boy. Happens in like every movie but still i couldn't have seen it comming just like the next girl.

Dated for 6 months, thought we were madly in love, and then my friend caught him cheating or thinking to at least. Stupid guy thought he could cheat on me with my best friend and she wouldn't tell me. Ha!

Our stoy isn't really important, what happened next is.

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