Yuta nodded before settling down onto the couch yet again.

"Good luck, bro.", Lucas said and sent a sly smile at him. He just knew how a man like Jaehyun could get out of hand with his communication skills.

Jaehyun sent a short glare at the tall man and the latter only replied with a small chuckle before clickig his tongue. "Seriously.", he ended and Jaehyun turned around to leave the room.

He walked towards the right wing, where their bedrooms were. He opened the first door which was—from Yuta's statement, Johnny's. He knocked lightly on the door and opened the door.

He saw Johnny fixing his gun down and turned at his direction.

"Is there a dog in here?", Jaehyun asked and looked around the room, hoping Snow was in the room. He didn't want to stress by knocking on every door.

Johnny looked around the room confused.

"A dog? No, I don't think so.", the older answered and turned his eyes to the younger male. Jaehyun nodded. "Why? Is there something wrong?", he asked. Jaehyun shook his head, "No, not really. My....my pet's missing.", he answered and rubbed his nape.

Johnny's body fully turned to him, giving his full attention.

"Oh! Do you need help?", he asked.

Jaehyun immediately shook his head.

"No! It's fine. I'll just find him myself.", he showed a small smile to the black haired man, closing the door right after.

He did this on all doors, being met with different faces and different reactions. He looked over to the empty hallway.

The other guest room was by the end of the hallway. He didn't know what it was but he wanted to get close to the bitter boy. Yuta made no reaction but his friend knew him well.

He just didn't know how to start a conversation with a hard headed guy like him.

He sighed and walked over to end of the hallway and hesitantly knocked on the door. When he heard no response, he knocked again but louder this time.

"Can I talk to you for a bit?", he asked through the door, leaning closer to hear a response but he didn't.

He opened the doorknob slowly and saw a figure by the large window seat.

It was the same boy he saw hours ago. His back was leaning onto the left thin window wall and he had his right leg splayed across the seat while the left was bent against his chest.

His bed hair was all over the place and his face shone against the moon light, adoring every angle of the face the boy has.

Jaehyun's eyes switched from the beautiful boy to the thing on his bed. There lay his pet who stared at the redhead sitting by the window.

And that's when he turned.

"Do you need anything?", the redhead turned his head to him and the dark lit room kept the atmosphere much more tense but relaxing in a way.

The boy's husky but smooth voice seemed to ring against the younger's ears as if it was a trance.

"I'm looking for Snow.", Jaehyun finally got his proper self back and answered the boy back like he talks to everyone.

The boy's eyes turned to the relaxed dog by the bed.

"You can take him.", the boy answered as he stared back at the younger. Jaehyun disagreed, "It's fine. He can stay here.", he answered.

He proceeded to walk out and close the door, feeling the intense look the older was giving him.


His body stiffened as he turned his head up to look at the calm redhead.

"It's my name.", he continued as he gave a look down to his shirt and quickly looked back outside the window.

Jaehyun nodded and swallowed the lump on his throat.

"Jaehyun.", he answered after a few seconds and finally closed the door, shutting himself out of the calm ambiance the older has.

Taeyong, on the other hand, turned his head to look at the already closed door.

'So, the dog is his.'

He couldn't have any better option. He now lived under Jaehyun's wing and he couldn't just stay bitter forever. He may have had a bad past with Nocturnes but he couldn't change the fact that it was already the past.

He should try and move on from it.

He heard paws walking his way and saw the dog walk over to him and lied down in front of him by the window seat, placing his chin against his slim leg.

He passed a hand against its soft fur, before he tilted his head to stare at its beautiful brown orbs.

"Your owner's very interesting."

Our Painful Love [Jaeyong]Where stories live. Discover now