He scoffed. "At least you have a mom who you can fight with, mine died when I was eight."

He was only eight when she passed away? I was at a loss of words. I wanted to say I was sorry, but I knew he would hate that. "Did you talk to your dad, after we left?"

"Yeah, I don't think that's happening anytime soon."

"But he's your dad, and I can see he wants to improve things with you. You should at least give him a chance. Try and reconcile."

"I did that, I gave him a second chance and a third, but he screws everything up, all the time. That's just how it goes every time," he spoke, his teeth gritted.

"Mind telling me what happened?"

"It's a long story, I'll tell you some other time if we end up here together again," he stood, gave me a sincere smile, ruffled my hair and left.

I liked it when he was like this, playful, cocky and someone who didn't spit out words of disgust to me every two minutes.

Wow, two days ago who would have thought I would have such kind of encounters with Noah?

I didn't want to go back just yet, so I sat there staring aimlessly as the start twinkled thinking about everything that should be happening in the world, but never will.

Eight weeks had gone by, a lot had happened. The fact that the football team had slid into the semi-finals by winning the match with a score of 2-1 was the highlight of the night. This time, instead of ditching the original party, we decided to attend it. The club where the original party was taking place wasn't different from the one we had gone to last time. There was one difference though, instead of watching strangers grind against each other, this time, it was the cheerleaders against the jocks.

I squeezed myself between people so as to not disturb their activities. God, I felt like such a prude. I finally made my way to the bar where Matt and Ally were staring west. I looked in the same direction and found Noah making out with Abigail.

"Didn't he like hate her two days ago?" Matt asked.

"Yeah, he does that all the time. He groans about how much of a piss-off she is and then he ends up doing this. Why can't he find anyone else? Why her? Ugh, I hate her, she's such a humbug", Scar said, disgust displayed on her face. All of us chuckled.

"I mean, she's irritating, sure. But she's hot," I heard Chase say from behind me. After he said that, he earned a slap from both me and Scar on his shoulder.

I switched my vision from them onto Matt, who was holding out a shot for me. "Oh, come on! I know you don't drink, but just this one shot."

"Yeah, come on, Syd, one for the team," Jay encouraged.

"Oh, would you just take it?" Matt shoved it in my hand.

We all drank the shot for the team and then advanced to dance. Matt, by now, obviously knew about Scar and Jay who were starting to grind. Everyone seemed wild, including Ally. I had never seen her let loose like this. I, on the other hand, wasn't feeling quite well. I wasn't usually such a killjoy, but I had my moments.

I stayed for a while but I had a headache and I was feeling really anxious, I had no idea why. Scar came into view on the perfect moment. "Hey Scar, I'm going back because I'm not feeling well, yeah? I'll see you later."

I tried to leave but she caught my wrist. "Yeah, you don't look well at all and if you think for one second that I'm going to let you leave alone, you're wrong, missy."

I was so thankful for her.

Matt stopped dancing and came over. "Hey, what happened? Are you alright?"

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