Surprise, Hogwarts letter!

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"Victor!" I screamed from the back of the bus.

"You ready to go?" He says.

I made a doctor's appointment today because I missed my period. Mike was out checking his drums so I asked my best friend to go with me. You can say I was nervous as hell right now. I could be carrying Michael Christopher Fuentes' child! How is he going to react? His sure as hell doesn't want to get married right away so I know he wasn't ready for a kid!

"Miss Radke, congratulations you're pregnant with a healthy baby. I'm going to schedule you an another appointment with your regular doctor." The nurse said.

Ah I'm so happy! But what about Mike? Vic and I walked to the car to leave. With the worst expression on my face I sat down and buckled the seatbelt.

"Mike will be really excited." Is all what Vic said.

I have the perfect way to tell Mike.

Mike's Pov

It's been three months since Spencer and I have been together and I think it's time. Time that I popped the question. I have the perfect plan.

Spencer's Pov

We made it back to the bus before Mike did. I sat everything up on the bunk we shared then moved it to the front of the bus. Vic was the only one I told so all the guys will even be surprised. Now it's the waiting game.





I couldn't take it any longer. He finally made it on to the bus. He was dressed in a Harry Potter robe. Even fixed his hair and put on glasses too! Mike stopped right in his tracks once he saw me with a Slytherin scarf and a copy of Draco Malfoy's wand.

"You know about this!?!" We said at the same time.

"Know about what?" We said again.

I let Mike carry on and say what he was going to say first. He sat some things down then took my hands in his. I couldn't help but smile at him.

Which made him smile back.

"Spencer Dallas Radke. We've only dated for about three months now but it feels like eternity because we've dated in the past. I love you more than words can explain. Will you be the Ginny to my Harry and marry me?" He smiled brightly.

Honestly I was speechless. With tears of joy I shook my head yes and kissed him. He thought otherwise and slipped his tung in my mouth. No sir we can't get frisky for awhile. Vic, Tony, and Jaime walked in at the perfect time.

"Whoa. Whoa. Get a room you two!" Tony yells.

I smiled and backed away from Mike causing him to frown. I grabbed my surprise to him. It was a Hogwarts letter with a baby Slytherin scarf and wand. I laughed because Mike, Jaime, and Tony were extremely confused at this point.

"Sit," I commanded to Mike as he sat down. "I knew what you were thinking there mister and no we can't get it on. For awhile because of this." I handed him the letter, the scarf, and wand. Here's what the letter said;

Dear Mr. Mike Fuentes,

Congratulations on becoming a future parent of a up and coming great Slytherin! He/She will be expected October 31st! Have fun!


The Slytherin princess Spencer Radke.

"W-we're having a baby?" He said.

"Yes!" I say joyfully as he jumped up and hugged me.

"I love you future Mrs. Fuentes!"

"I love you too Mr. Fuentes!" We kissed.

He sat me down on the couch and lifted my shirt halfway up. He put one hand on my tummy and the other laced with mine.

"Hey there little buddy it's your daddy! I love you and your momma so much. I'm gonna keep you two safe."


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