Tattoos and paparazzi news

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It was great feeling that I was protected in Kellin's arms when I awoke. Charlie was sleeping at the foot of the bed near Kellin. And Kellin was awake watching Pokemon. He smiled at me as I stared at his tattoos.

"I'm getting a new one today if you want to come with?"

"I would love too."

I got dressed in a Anthem Made shirt, black skinny jeans, and black Vans. My thoughts came over me while I was brushing my blonde hair. Maybe it's time for a change. A new hair color! Black? Brown? Blue? Hmm I'll go with black!

"Spence you ready?"

"Yup!" I shouted from upstairs.

I walked down the stairs slowly so I wouldn't fall. As I got down the stairs Kellin took me by the arm. He insisted on driving, first stop lunch. At the booth in the restaurant I sat across from him. I was actually going to eat this time. It was extremely quiet during lunch Kellin and I only shared a few glances but every time I would look at him I would blush. Wow Spencer how could this get any more awakward! 

"Um my appointment is at 3:00 p.m. so I guess we should get going." 

Kellin pays for the food and we head out to the car. I was walking ahead of Kellin finally caught up to me.

"Finally I was beginning to think you left me!" I spoke sarcastically. 

"I would never leave such a beautiful girl like you by yourself. Because last time I did you almost broke your neck and I almost got killed by your brother!" 

The tattoo shop was only a couple of stores down from where the restaurant was located so we decided to walk there. Closer and closer our bodies were literally right next to each other. Our hands laced together as we made it in front of the tattoo shop. 

"Kellin! Spencer! Over here!" The man with a camera shouts.

Instantly we look over there and it was the fucking paparazzi!

I sat down in front of Kellin while he was getting touch ups on his tattoos. I couldn't help my self but to get lost in Kelln's eyes. His free hand rested on my knee while we just sat there staring at each other. In force of habit I look around the room and I saw Jaime and Tony at another station while Tony was getting a tattoo done. I quickly turn back around to make sure they didn't notice me. I starting to get anxious thinking that my anxiety was gonna kick in at this very moment.

"What's wrong Spence?" Kellin asked noticing that I was beginning to get uncomfortable. 

"My anxiety because of those two over there." I spoke in a soft tone so only Kellin could here me.

He moved a piece of hair out of my face to behind me ear then caressed my cheek with his thumb. I could tell I was turning a bright shade of red. This is really happening Spencer don't fuck it up! We slowly started to lean closer to each other. My lips met his, I guess you could say it was like one of those cheesy romantic movies but definitely for sure I felt sparks fly.

"I know this is in the heat of the moment but I'm really being serious, Spencer will you be my girlfriend?" Kellin spoke.

"Yes Kellin I would be honored!" I giggled. 


Mike's Pov

It's been about 4 months now and I still can't get over Spencer and I's break up. When she was in the hospital it freaked me out but, I didn't have the guts to go see her. Tony and Jaime were talking their lives away while all I could do was think about what Spencer is doing. Does she have a new boyfirend? Who is it? Do I know him? What have I done! 

"Dude have you seen Spencer?' Tony asks Jaime.

"Duh we saw her two days ago at the tattoo shop in Los Angles! She's looking good but did you see that she was with Kellin? And they kissed?" Jaime tells Tony.

What? There's something between those two? I wonder what she looks like now? Spencer I still love you!

"Really now?' I say butting in their conversation.

"Oh sorry Mike we didn't know you were right there.' Jaime pleads.

Fuck my life!

Spencer's Pov

Kellin was sitting on the couch downstairs while I sat up here in my room on Twitter. Scrolling down my news fead I came across a picture a fan has retweeted from a news magazine. Being a curious person that I am I clicked on the link and read the following:


Who knew these two would ever become a couple? Well it happened people 'Spellin' is for real! 

What the hell? How do these people know? 

"Kellin? Come up here please!'

Kellin came as fast as he could. I motioned him to read the link I clicked on and he did.

"Anyone was gonna find out sooner or later. C'mon you need some rest."

And that was it for the night. The people found out about me and Kellin. The whole PTV would end up finding out. Damn you paparazzi.

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