Bad boy turns soft?

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"Goddamn Mike I can't even dance with a guy without you scaring him away!" I scream at the top of my lungs standing at the staircase of Mike's house.

"I'm just trying to protect you!" He yells back at me. That made the guys sitting on the couch jump.

A week ago I went to the club with the guys and I met this really cute guy, so we started dancing and drinking. The cute boy's hands were on my hips as I was dancing but they were suddenly pulled off. Mike had the guy be his shirt collar telling him not to touch me. That really irritated me because Mike and I aren't even dating, we're only friends.

I turn to Tony giving him an I'm-in-need-of-help look. He nodded accepting that he would help me with Mike. He walked past me going up the stairs to where Mike is. I smiled thanking him then I sat down next to Vic. Vic wearing shorts, Jaime wearing pants, and I wearing a tight dress in the beginning of April. We are going to the club so we can party before the guys go back on tour.

Tony's Pov
What's wrong with Mike? He has no control over Spencer no more. Wait a second here, does Mike have feelings for here? Mike's bedroom door is open where he stood in front of his bed grabbing his hair. He seemed really stressed. He didn't notice I was in the room until I shut the door so they couldn't here is from downstairs.

"Mike dude what's your problem with Spencer? She's just having fun." I say trying not to sound like a dick.

"Tone you don't need to know," he says in a low voice. He never did this to any of his girlfriends before. Why now?

"Mike c'mon we all want to know. I mean at least Spencer does."

"The thing is Tone and don't say a word! I still have feelings for her, I hate the fact these scumbags are grinding on her. I hate it! She should be in my arms not anybody else's."

I knew it. We all knew it besides Spencer.

"C'mon guys! We're gonna leave with out you!" Vic yelled from downstairs.

Spencer's Pov

What did Tony say to Mike because Mike's attitude totally changed. I was scrunched in between Tony and Mike in the backseat while Vic drove and Jaime sat in the passenger seat. We already started dancing before we got in the club. The five of us sat down at a table by the bar. Usually I'm not all filled with confidence but tonight I just have a spark of confidence waving right through me.

"Guys I'm gonna go get drinks." I skipped my happy self to the bar and sitting down on a chair.

The seat next to me was taken by this 'decent' looking guy. He's really nice by the way he looks. I just hope he acts nice.

"Hey pretty lady," he says. I couldn't help but smile a little at him. He has a great smile. "I'm Tyler and you are?"

"I'm Spencer."

"Well Spencer do you wanna go dance?" He smiles again!

"It'd be a pleasure!" I shout over the music.  He took me by the arm and dragged me to the dance floor.

Mike's Pov

Another night again she goes and dances with another guy. They dance with her like she's a slut. But she's not. She's a beautiful, smart, and caring girl.

"Where's Spencer at? She should have been back by now?" I say to Jaime.

"Relax dude she can handle her self!"

The chair became my only friend besides other girls wanting to hook up. But every ask, I denied. I only have eyes for one girl, the girl I lost. I want to get her back.

Spencer's Pov

The dancing got really uncomfortable when more people came on the dance floor. That triggered my claustrophobia. I can't breathe.

"I can't breathe." I say.

"I know baby I'm so hot it's hard to breathe around me!" Tyler says boosting his ego.

"Egotistical asshole!" I attempt to say.

I walk to the table where the five of us were sitting. Mike was the only one sitting down.

"M-Mike I n-n-need to get home. I c-can't b-breathe." I say panting.

He grabbed my hand and ran out the door. We took a cab back to his place, we're all of us were staying the night.

"Are you okay," He says holding my face in his hands.


"Sorry about last week I just couldn't let some guy steal the girl I miss and love. I want you back."

"Mike please. I've been waiting for you to say that for months. I love you too." I smile.

He tossed me one of his shirts and a pair of basketball shorts for me to wear. Throwing my hair in a messy bun I climbed next to him on the bed. His arms snaked around my waist as he kissed my forehead.

"I guess bad boys turn soft sometimes!" I giggle before falling asleep.

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