I can't fight this feeling.

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Kellin's Pov

I bought Spencer some flowers and some gummy worms. They're her favorite candy. Just a few days ago, (a day after Spencer's accident) Vic had called asking about her. Him being my best friend and hers he was worried about her. The doctor said she is able to come home today so I had the rest of SWS come with to pick her up.

Spencer's Pov

Finally I can get out of this hell hole! The past few days I've spent here ugh I wanted to murder these nurses they were complete bitches to me! The past week I've spent with Kellin has been awesome but horrible because I ended up in the hospital. One of the nice nurses came into my room. She was a sweet old lady named Carey.

"Alright Miss Radke it's time for you to leave." She smiled.

"Awe c'mon I'm gonna miss hanging out with you!" I giggled.

It was the truth, out of all people here she was the nicest one. She said I remind her of her granddaughter acting all spunky. I sure am gonna miss her.

Kellin's Pov

Alright this is it. Today I vowed to myself that I was gonna confess my feelings towards Spencer. She's not with Mike anymore so who cares right? Justin was sitting down in a chair with a really big zebra striped teddy bear. Me being the fool that I am, I was pacing around in the waiting room blushing at the thought of Spencer.

"Oh looks like someone has a crush on little Radke!" Gabe chuckles.

"I do not!" I protest.

Liar, Liar ,Liar. Kellin Quinn Bostwick quit your lying. Spencer was limping towards us with one of the nurses. She smiled from ear to ear causing me to laugh and blush.

Spencer's Pov

Kellin! Oh god was I happy to see him. It's not like I don't like him or anything I was just happy to see one of my good friends. Liar Spencer Dallas Radke don't you lie, you have feelings for Kellin! Goddamn, do these voices now how shut the fuck up? Right away I walked to him and hugged him. He was blushing real hard.

"Wait Kellin are you blushing?" I say, my voice cracking.

No answer.

I let go of Kellin and turned to Justin. He embraced me into a bear hug and buried his face in my hear.

"I'm glad your alive Spencer."

"Me too Justin."

Next was Gabe then Jack. The three of them pitched in and bought me a big zebra striped teddy bear. Kellin bought me flowers and gummy worms. My favorite! We all walked outside to leave. Because I was limping I gripped tight onto Kellin's arm. Safe and sound we got back to my (Ronnie's) house. Kellin cooked up some pancakes for dinner. After dinner we watched The Lion King. I sat on one side of the couch and he sat all the way on the other side. He was paying attention to the movie when all what I could do was stare at him and admire his looks. His nice jet black hair; Those piercing blue eyes; His tattoos. Ah I can't help it! I've always liked Kellin even when I was with Mike. Is that bad? I sighed and went back to watching the movie. My phone buzzed so I picked it up and checked it. It was, it was Tony. What did he want?

Turtle: Hey Spencer I know you probably won't answer back but I just wanted to ask how you were feeling?

Me: I'm fine Tony thanks for asking.

That was the first time in months since I've talked to anybody besides Kellin and Ronnie.

"Um Kellin I'm gonna go take a shower." I say getting up and walking upstairs.

Kellin's Pov

Dammit Kellin how could you not tell Spencer how you feel about her? I tried to focus on the movie but it didn't work, all I could think about was Spencer. About 20 minuets later she came back downstairs. Now's your chance Kellin. She sat down next to me on the couch.

Spencer's Pov

Alright Spence here's your chance; It's do or die.


"Yeah Spence?"

"There's something I need to tell you. I've had this feeling for a while like a really long time and I can't fight anymore," I was nervous as hell. He seemed nervous too, like he was about to tell me something. "I h-h-have feelings for you Kellin. Not those best friend types of feelings like I'm attracted to you."

I started my way upstairs knowing he wouldn't feel the same. Look Spencer you fucked up! Haha you're such a fuck up. God if those voices were real people I would do fucking stab them right now. I opened my bedroom door to let my (Ronnie's) dog Charlie into the room to sleep when I was caught by my wrist.

"Spencer I know how you feel. I've always had feelings for you ever since the day I met you but you were with Mike. I can't fight this either."

I closed my eyes hoping that he would kiss me. And he did.

"Ya know I could use a cuddle buddy besides Charlie." I giggle.

"I was hoping you would say that." He smiled.

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