Beach day blues.

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*Trigger warning*

Before going outside I looked out the window and saw Mike. He was flirting with Sandy! That hoe. Nobody was on the bus so I grabbed my make-up bag. Hesitantly I walk into the bathroom and pull out my only trustful friend. With tears streaming down my face I stare at the razor before cutting my left wrist twice.

1. For not being confident.

2. For not being good enough for Mike.

I watched as the blood dripped off my wrist before bandaging my self and went into the lounge area. Once again I look down at my wrist as it throbbed in pain. I quickly looked up and saw Ronnie and Vic come onto the bus laughing. Vic smiled at me before sitting down next to Ronnie.

"Uh Spence, Vic here wants to know if you would like to go hang out at the beach with them later?" Ronnie asks.

The beach. Where everyone swims. My wrists.

"Um sure I guess, do I have to swim though?"

"Nope not at all Spence just come and chill with us." Vic smiles.

I return the favor but with a fake smile.

Vic waited by Ronnie as I went to find my bathing suit. After 10 minuets of looking I found my light blue bikini top and black shorts that are the bottoms. I quickly changed into it and put on some denim shorts and a hoodie over my outfit. I stood in the bathroom for a bit before walking out just listening to Vic and Ronnie talk.

"You guys keep an eye an Spence. I just don't want anything like last time to happen to her, ya know?" Ronnie says.

"Of course, I won't let anything bad happen to my best friend." Vic answers.

When Ronnie said last time I cringed.

*Flash Back*

I waited on the couch for Ronnie to pick me up when Steve my boyfriend at the time came running downstairs. He started yelling at me about something like cheating on him.

"Steve I told you I would never cheat on you!" I yelled back.

"Don't yell at me bitch!" He said as he slapped me or at least I think.

I was thrown to the ground and Steve was on top of me hitting me really hard. The last thing I remember was seeing Ronnie tackle Steve to the ground.

*Flash Back ends*

Ever since then I was never let out of Ronnie's sight. I sighed as I grabbed my sunglasses and walked out of the bathroom.

"You ready beautiful?" Vic says taking my arm.

"Bye Ronnie." I say.

"See ya later kiddo." He smiles.

Vic and I make small talk then we arrived at the car. Mike, Tony, and Jaime were patiently waiting in the car. Vic was the only one who knew the reason behind me wearing a hoodie but he new about my old scars not my new ones. I sat in the passenger seat as Vic sat in the driver seat.

"Spence it's like 95 degrees out and you're wearing a hoodie?" Jaime and Mike ask.

"Leave her alone guys." Vic says defending me.

I'm thankful for being close with Vic because he knows what it's like to go through this. To drown my thoughts out I turn on the radio. Hearing Katy Perry's voice the boys were dancing and singing so I joined in.

"Greetings, loved ones

Let's take a journey

I know a place

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