Thirty seven

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Clary's POV.

The alarm clock woke me up at six am. I sat up straight in my bed,rubbing the sleep off my eyes.

A smile crept onto my lips every time I imagined our trip to Paris. Even though the show was two days from today, I couldn't hide the tiny bit of elation that was flowing through me.

This couldn't be the real world. It was all so unrealistic.

It was like a dream, the type of dream one doesn't wish to wake up from.

This had to be Fanfiction.

Everything was perfect.

Harry was being nice, or at least he was trying to, and we were both working this out, even if had just been two days since the argument we had.

Then I remembered what I had said last night.

I was in love with Harry.

Never saw this coming, never thought I'd fall for someone so soon again.

All I hoped for,was that even if it wouldn't be love, I really wanted Harry to like me.

Genuinely, like me.

Sometimes I wished I could read his mind. It would make things easier, because Harry never talks about his feelings, all he says is that he likes me, he's so mysterious and confusing.

I don't even know if he likes me or the idea of liking me.

It's merely been hours since I've confessed that I loved him, and I can't help but envision scenarios in my head.

Not the cliché ones, but those wherein he's just telling me that he loves me too.

That's the problem with me. If I fall in love, the affection is too strong. But I like to think that's the case with everyone else. It has to be.

It's so strong, that it nearly hurts.

And it hurts all the more if the person you're in love with doesn't love you back.

'Relax, Clary, you can't ruin this already.'I reminded myself. This was just the beginning, we had a long way to go.

I heard my mum call me from downstairs like always, and that's when I finally jumped out of bed to get ready.

I put the plug into the drain, and turned on the hot water. Looking at myself in the mirror, I stripped off my clothes and made my way into the bathtub.

Lucky for me, I woke up earlier than planned , so that left me with ample amount of time to get ready.

After what felt like years of sitting in the bathtub, I hurriedly washed my hair and wrapped myself in the towel.

I picked up black jeans and a black and white check shirt to wear today.

I refrained from using any makeup, it was way too early in the morning, and my skin looked decent enough.

Sighing heavily, I finally went downstairs. My parents were up , obviously, and Ashley and her mum sat at the dining table.

When I looked around, I saw Will leaning into the wall at the other end of the living room, and I couldn't conceal the frown on my face.

What a way to begin an amazing day.

"Good morning, " I smiled at all of them, while taking the seat next to Ashley's.

"Hello loser," I heard Ashley say and I laughed.

"Loser?What's gotten into you?"

"Trying to be cool. I'm really excited, this is unbelievable. "

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