i said so

663 31 3

Veronicas P.O.V

I woke up groggily and my head ached like a bitch. Slowly but surely, I rolled my head around to get more comfortable and possibly fall back asleep. It seemed like the only way to stop the ringing in my head.

I could barely remember last night, I could barely remember anything at all, actually. But my head wasn't the only thing that was aching. My body hurt from head to toe. I could barely move it. But to shift from my discomfort, I turned my whole body the left to huddle up with the covers. But when I turn, expecting to clash my body with only soft blankets, I touch skin.

What the—

My arm that had flailed over the 'blankets' quickly sprung back once I felt the lump under that arm move. My upper body shot up in surprise and fright and I attempted to peer over and see whO the hell was laying next to me. And why.

There was a blanket on top of this mystery persons head, therefore I could not see their hair. I barely touched the pillow to move it maybe an inch, but the second I did, the person awoke from their slumber. They started to twist and turn until my wide eyes darted across the room in a miserable attempt at delay. That's when I saw it.

The beanie.

Draping over my bedpost, was a beanie.

A crown beanie.

If possible, my eyes grew even wider, and his head turned around. I screamed loudly. An ear-piercing scream echoed through the room, and most likely the whole Pembroke. And the second I screamed, he screamed too, possibly louder than mine. At least it wasn't girly and feminine.

My jaw dropped and I suddenly became aware to my nakedness. I held the sheet tightly against my chest with my arms, and scoffed as far away from him as I could without falling off the bed.

"Jughead?" I yelled more loudly than I should've. I staggered my eyes and re-met his.

"Jughead," I whisper-yelled. He narrowed his eyes at me and I could tell he was confused.

No. No. This could not be what I thought, it just can't. He cut me, abused me, he is like, the devil incarnate. We couldn't have...

"Veronica," he whispered. He seemed very unsure of his reply. I shook my head and placed my hand on my temple.

"W-what happened? I-I just—what?" I just couldn't process anything. He continued with his puzzled expression until it merged into a smirk.

"Did we," he trailed off and his smirk only grew. "I-i think we did," I said scratching my head, trying to put two and two together.

"Can you um, look away when I get up?" I asked shyly. "What? Why? If we slept together-"

"Shh!" I yelled, practically spitting at him. He said it quite loud and we've already yelled enough the last three minutes.

"Just, at least close your eyes, perv!" He rolled his eyes and closed them.

I scattered to the bathroom where I threw on my robe quickly and looked for stone for jughead. But when I turned to look back at him, he was getting out of the bed.

"No! Jughead! You're naked!" I probably should've lowered my voice, but who cares at this point?

"Calm down! I have boxers on!" He jumped out of bed and snatched the robe from my hands. I stared down on him, and he noticed.

"Take a picture babe," I quickly picked my eyes up. "It'll last longer." He winked at me and carefully strobe the robe onto him.

I scoffed and ran to fix the sheets. They were messy, everywhere, and god knows exactly how messy.

[no way in hell] | completedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon