"I really missed you," I tell him honestly, speaking in dulcet tones as I speak these [arguably] forbidden words. If Zayn or my mum or even Harry knew I was here, and with Toby, I think they'd be in a right state.

But I missed this Toby. I missed this Toby so much, and it seems like I have him back, so I never want to let him go again.

"I miss you too, darling. I missed getting to see your pretty face every day. And, now that I see this hair in person, I completely fucking love it. I wasn't the biggest fan of it at first, but now I see just how amazing it looks on you and I can't believe it," he tells me, gushing about me which makes me blush.

"It brings out your eyes, my love. The blonde really makes them shine even brighter than they normally do, and I just know I'm going to have to step it up if I wish to keep your affections because there is no doubt in my mind that others are going to be after you. I mean, I wouldn't blame them, but I'm selfish and want to keep you all to myself," he continues before shooting me with a smile that sends me swooning.

I reach across the table and cup his cheek in my head, smiling at him the entire time with nothing but love and adoration in both of our eyes.

"You're purely amazing, Niall Horan," he whispers.

"You're the first person to see it," I whisper back, caressing across the top of his cheekbone with my thumb.

"As completely awful as that is, I'm kind of glad because I'm lucky enough to be able to love you. You are just too precious to lose," he says and smiles adoringly again, and I blush.


"So, how have you been?" I ask casually, changing the subject from the love fest that's presently drawing eyes from around the room.

"I've been good, but now I'm great," he responds cheekily, smiling over at me once again, "How about you?"

"I've been okay, but now I'm great, too," I answer truthfully because this is the happiest I've been with him since we began this relationship.

The waitress comes and takes our drinks, so we decide we should probably stop looking at each other and look at the menus instead to figure out what we would like to eat. After a full thirty seconds of deciding, I have decided on the Chicken Alfredo again.

"What are you having?" I ask him.

"I'm thinking...Chicken Parmesan maybe? What about you? Oh wait, I don't even need to ask, do I?" He asks rhetorically, chuckling as he does so, with an amused smile playing on his pretty lips.

I laugh at him and he chuckles, "No, of course not. You always get Alfredo," he continues.

"Hey, it's my favorite thing. I'm going to eat it as much as I can, whenever I can," I quip back, the both of us still laughing.

Once the waitress has come back to take our orders, and we give them to her, we chat about what we got for Christmas, what we've done over break, what classes we've got for Spring term, so on and so forth.

By the time we're done at the restaurant, and we're leaving, it's dark out.

I love my town.

We decide to head back to his hotel and, even though I know what he wants, I don't particularly mind it.

Walking up to his room, he holds all the doors open for me, then lets me into his room.

"Would you like something to drink?" He asks.

"Um, I'm okay, thanks! I'm so full I think even some water would make me explode," I joke and we both laugh, thoroughly enjoying one another's company.

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