Chapter 35: the aftermath

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Phoenix (POV)

I felt uneasy that the only person Red remembered was Jax. Does that mean he'll never remember me or is it only for a short time? My brain hated the idea that he didn't remember anything.

It's not your fault. We found our mate and he will remember us.

"You're right Artemis," I replied

"We need to get him medical attention," Tyler said to Jax bringing me out of my daze "He's lost a lot of weight GAH those son's of bitches won't get away with this."

The building was now eerily quiet and I fucking hated it. It felt like at any moment someone was gonna come out and kill us all. While we ran through the facility Jax was carried the scared Red. I felt Artemis's grave sadness. All the way back I was constantly worried and hadn't taken much in. In my daze I barely recollected that Catherine blew the building up with flames. Artemis stayed with Dawn and I was totally alone and devastated.

When we arrived back at the pack house my mother was waiting at the door. She made some protest about letting the savage omga in the house that was quickly disregarded as my father made way for us. From what I saw my father looked tired and fatigued. Something must have happened while we were away. I had already mind linked the pack doctor, Erin, to be waiting for us when we arrived with Red.

Erin told us to wait in a waiting room. After what felt like hours, Red's parents came racing into the room.

"Where is he?" Red's mum asked as her eyes welled up. Tyler and his father tried their best to console her but was no use as she continually blamed herself. It was a hard thing to watch even harder to blank out. If it was anyone's fault it was mine and mine to bare alone.

"Mum, shh it's alright Red's not dead just extremely malnourished and has some form of retrograde amnesia," Tyler said trying to calm him mum down even though he didn't know that for sure. It was at this point I tried to get a hold of Artemis as he was my only hope of understanding.

"Hey, you know what's up with our mate" I asked trying not to break down.

Dawn remembers us but not the human. It's like a higher power sealed a way his memories or so Dawn says.

"Well Dawn is smart but maybe it's just the traumatic experience and he associates everything that happened to him as our fault," I replied and deep down I knew it was my fault it was punishment for my conduct for my stupid mistakes. All because I thought I was too fucking cool to believe in mates. My Dad used to tell me that mates were the best thing to happen to our kind but did I believe that for a time yes. Then things changed when I saw how my mum treated my Dad and he's the alpha for fuck's sake but for some reason my mum ran the show. I just didn't want that to happen to me so I chose my own mate. I was snapped back into reality as the door to the waiting room opened. Erin looked at all of us and what a grave look it was.

"While we check his body for any further damage we saw the full extent that his torture brought to him," the doctor said and it was all silent."There's traces of narcotics in his system and a high quantity of scaring on his legs and arms also took him for an MRI and there seemed to be some damaging to the brain but we are unsure what caused it there was no bruising on the boy's head."

I looked around Jax's skin went white and looked like he was going to throw up. Alistair was trying his best to comfort the guy but even Alistair looked like he had seen death and it beckoned him back. Ralph was helping Tyler who was suppressing sobs. Jason who had been standing next to me looked like someone had shot him. I think Jason had started to like the kid. Rose was full out crying and there was no way anyone was stopping her. Grace seemed to be slumped in chair unmoving with Catherine taking her mate into her arms.

Dawn says that the brain injury won't last long it's being caused by someone.

I don't understand why did this have to happen to Red. He's one of the nicest, kindest and best person I know. God I wasted so much time.

"You can see the patient now but I suggest you go in smaller groups," Erin said as she pushed up her glasses. Red's father nodded and Erin left us to decide who would see him first.

"I t-think it should be Red's parents, Tyler and Jax who see him first," I said trying not to show my weaknesses. I was just being the Alpha I'm meant to be putting other people before me.

"Why Jax?" Red's father asked

"Because he's the only one Red remembers," I said as the sadness clouded my aura. "We know that much from what he said when we found him."

Red's father nodded and took his wife's hand and left the room. Tyler followed his parents. Jax was about to follow the group but then turned to me.

"Don't blame yourself greater powers had a hand to play in the affair," he frowned as he continued "I was meant to protect him and I failed my job, shit"

The last part was more for him. Before I could ask him any questions about it, he left the room. I was so confused and I was determined to get answers.


Hey guys this short chapter took so long to write. I got writers block but I was determined to finish it today.

I hope the chapter wasn't too short but I want to start wrapping this chapter of Red's life up so I'm going to start picking up the pace a bit.

Thank you for reading and I hope to bring the next chapter out soon.

Random question: what's your favourite smell

Mine is freshly cut grass or when it's just about to rain and you can smell it.

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