Chapter 25: My birthday take 2

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Red (POV)

While Phoenix was telling his story I could tell he was not saying the whole truth his lips twitched slightly and his eyes moved more than usual. Remember I'm epic at micro-expressions.

"Shh Red it's ok we're all here for you," Phoenix said as he rubbed my back. It was at that point I knew that I liked having a mate. There was still a nagging feel at the back of my mind that this was all a dream and it would take it away from me at any second. My crying had now subsided and I felt calmer.

"Ok I'll be cookin' breakfast and thanks to Red's epic shopping there should be enough for all nine of us," Jax said, I tried to get up and help but I got told I wasn't allowed to move a finger. Jax cooked this amazing breakfast wrap completed with bacon, sausage,  scrambled egg and a hash brown. We decided to eat on the sofa as the breakfast bar wasn't big enough for all nine of us. While eating we decided that we would skip school and go somewhere.

" I have an idea why don't we go to Phoenix's house in the woods," I said genuinely excited. As I looked towards Phoenix he smiled, it wasn't one of those fake ones either it was a proper 'eyes like stars' one.

"That would be a good plan then we can forget about all our worries just for one day," Phoenix said as we finished off breakfast. Then it was decided Phoenix would take Jax in his car, I would take Rose, Alistair would run in wolf form and the rest of them would go in Raphael's car.

The lift took us down and as we exited it we must have gotten so many stares. This time however it was ok as I was being distracted by my mate who had decided to hold my hand. Then we all split up and I was met with a very excited Rose.

"Where did you get this and how did you get it also I'm totally taking a selfie and putting it on Instagram," she exclaimed and I chuckled at her excitement.

"I got this yesterday by a someone I don't know and there was a card now I need to know who wrote it," I said and handed her a helmet. "Safety first."

On our way I took a detour to the dinner a found yesterday in hope of finding Vesta. When we arrived Rose took off her helmet and looked at me with confusion.

"What are we doing here?" She asked as we walked towards the dinner.

"Yesterday I met this woman and I need to ask her a couple of questions," I said. When we entered I noticed that there was a band singing a few people but my goal was to get to the counter. I signalled over the man serving coffee and asked him if Vesta was in.

"Who? I can't say I've heard of a Vesta working here maybe you've got the wrong dinner," he said and I was shocked.

"Come on then Rose it looks like I've wasted my time we're only 10 minuets from the house," I said and we exited the dinner, Rose tried to ask me questions but I didn't know how to answer them. She left it as we got back onto the road.

"Red where are you?" The voice sounded like Phoenix's

"We're about 5 minuets out Phoenix don't get so panicked," I replied as I felt Rose tighten around my waist. The house came into view and it still looks as amazing as when I first saw it. Rose gave me back the helmet and I took off mine. We both entered the house and I was met by Tyler who placed a blind fold over my eyes. We then entered another room and he took it off and to my surprise, there was a load of presents on the table.

"Happy second birthday," they shouted and had a sudden rush of happiness run through my body. After that the day went great I opened up all my presents and I found a new respect for Jason who somehow got me tickets to see Day6 for when I go South Korea. Catherine gave me some stocks from her exclusive traders which I thought was totally cool. We then danced, ate food and did partyish things. It was about 1am when we decided to actually go sleep.

I woke up pretty early and wrote a note explaining why I left early. When I got back to the dorm I had a quiet shower and threw on a hoodie and some ripped jeans. Skipping breakfast I made my way into school and stopped by my locker to get out the books for the day as it was all the sciences; Physics, chemistry and Biology. Then I saw a note and I got a chill to my spine.

Stay away from my sisters mate you omega freak or face the consequences.

Sister? Does Ambrosia have a sibling or something? I decided to ignore the threat as it was from someone had never met the person and what could they do. After getting the books I made my way to the history block as I had missed it.

"Well this is a surprise I didn't expect to see you in my classroom Red," Mr Cole said as I entered the room. I pulled a chair to his desk and got out my notebook.

"Well sir I need to catch up with the rest of the class and also I'm always willing to learn more about history," I said and he chuckled, this was really the first time that I had properly looked at the man.

"Well since you're here and it's early I'll introduce myself properly my name is Apollo Cole," he said and I was shocked.

"Is that your real name or did you change it?" I asked hoping not to sound rude. He told me it was his birth name. With that we got on with our private lesson.

Unknown (POV)

How dare he ignore my note. It made me infuriated when I heard what he did that I shot the guy I was interrogating in the head four times. The crimson blood made its way out of his body. It oozed out the many holes.

"Good thing he was a no hope, clean this shit up," I demand and left the goons to clean the mess up. I walked up the stairs and out the basement. After my lashing out I made my way to the bedroom to change out of my blood splattered clothing. Eventually I made my way downstairs and called a meeting.

" I'll be gone for a couple of months while I'm away my underboss Zayden will be in charge," I said and left to pack.

I'm coming for you Red Winter and this time I'll make sure you stay docile and mine.


Well I did say things were going to ramp up and I needed to make some danger with a character you've met once.

It was fun to write the chapter as I wrote it while listening to the soundtrack of La Noire. I love the jazz.

Anyway thank you for the epic comments they are totally cool to read (probably said that many times).

Thanks for reading
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