Chapter 24: friendly intervention

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Red (POV)

"I don't give a fuck if he's your Alpha Jason, I'm going to kill him!" Alastair shouted as Jason tried to calm him down. It wasn't really working as it only made it worse.

"Ok I think we have all got to calm down a bit before I'm sure Phoenix has a reasonable reason on to why he doesn't want my brother," Tyler piped up. That was when we all turned to Phoenix. I was just glad the heat was off me, I had officially stopped self harming about a month ago. The only thing that remained are the silvery lines and Dawn assured me that they would heal properly. "Well we are all waiting."
It was at times like this that I loved my brother.  He took control of the situation and didn't let emotions take over his being. His rule: not guilty until proven.

"I know I look like the biggest douche bag walking but I have my reasons and only Raph and Fruit Loop know the real reason," Phoenix replied. That was when Jax decided to get angry.

"Are you serious, ‭Hai causato tu tutto questo you had better tell us or I will personally drag you to hell!" Jax shouted. (You caused all this). I was surprised when Jax let out Italian.

"So let's take you back to the year 2009 we were 7 and one day we had a visit from a pack who had just been slaughtered," Phoenix said and I was left wondering what this had to do with anything. "My father had just told us that we were to live with this other pack and that's when Jason, Raphael and I first met Ambrosia."

I heard a sigh coming from the girls direction and saw Grace shaking her head. She must have been think exactly the same thing I did. The girl had a sob story.

"Our pack already had a lowish tolerance to omegas but then we were told by the alpha of that pack that an omega caused the rouge attack," Phoenix continued but all I wanted to know was how this was remotely related to the she-wolf. "Then one day I saw this girl getting bullied by the other kids and I stepped in to help."

"So this was all because some girl got attached to you because of hero syndrome and I'm guessing the last time you tried to break it off with she tried to kill her self or something along those lines," Grace blurted out and we all looked at her stunned. Then I looked towards Phoenix and he was nodding his head. "While I'm on a role here I'll also guess that your mother wants you to have grandkids early and also has been wanting the two of you to get married for a long time."

The room was silent as we looked at Phoenix, Raphael and Jason. Only they really knew what actually happened. Rose might have known but it wasn't likely.

"How did you know all that?" Phoenix asked, he looked stunned and impressed all in one.

"Courtesy of any typical online story ever, got to say your past is nothing new so just break up with Ambrosia and honestly it'll all work out nicely," Grace said looking pleased that all of her extensive reading finally paid off. She then kissed Catherine, who had been sitting quietly all this time. The tension in the room was still high but not as high as it once was.

"Wow I never knew reading online would actually help you sis anyway getting back to real problem is are you going to reject each other?" Alastair asked looking between Phoenix and I. The word reject unsettled me in a way I couldn't understand. I knew I wouldn't or maybe couldn't reject Phoenix.

Please I've already spoken to Artemis he says that we wouldn't dare reject us. Trust me on this.

"Ok Dawn I know you protect me," I replied that was when Jax decided to move from where he was originally sitting to sit next to me. I think he saw that I was really stressed out.

"I'm not about to reject my mate at this point Ambrosia can fuck herself I'm not a kid," Phoenix said and sat on the other side of me. He put my hand in his and laced them together. Electric sparks flowed between us and it felt amazing.

"I won't reject you if you don't," I said daring to hope that I would be fine. I put my head on Phoenix's shoulder and as I looked up at him he gave me one of those earth shattering smiles that lit up his eyes. My stomach felt like it had butterflies all around it.

"Now that you guys are all cute now can we get on how to stop Red from self harming," Rose said and there was a murmur of yeses from the group. It felt nice to have people who cared about you but then again they probably wouldn't notice if I started again.

No you're not Red we will make it out of this and you know it's not true they care about you.

I didn't reply to Dawn. I felt like everything was a bit too much. As I looked at everyone it seemed like the group belonged together.

"Yeah I don't like to think my little brother self harms," Tyler chimed. I didn't really know what to say, I could tell my friends were worried about me.

"For starters lets celebrate Red's birthday properly just the nine of us," Grace said and that's when I realised I had true friends. That maybe everything isn't as black and white as they seem.

"I'm sorry," I sobbed.


Hey guys I've updated again yay I was slightly worried that I wouldn't but I cracked on with the chapter and boom here it is.

I'm looking forward to see how you like the next chapter as it's going to be different. Anyway I loved reading the comments last chapter it was totally cool.

Anyway thank you for supporting my book it still means the world to me.

Question: if you could have one superpower what would you have.

Personally I want to freeze time so I'm never late for things.

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