chapter 10: The unexpected mate

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Phoenix (POV)

I woke up to find my girlfriend in the bed next to me. Her body clinging to mine, her sent mixed with mine, her small hands laced with mine. It's like nirvana. She is a werewolf, like me, but we both promised each other that we would stay together even when we find our mates. Uh, it's my birthday today and she doesn't smell like my mate and my senses aren't tingling when I touch her delicate body. My point, she's not my mate. Shit.

"Baby it's time to get up, so we can get rid of the smell of sex on us even though I'd love to keep my sent on you forever," I said and with that she opened her small eyes. Her long blonde hair was so sexy in the morning, I had to touch it. As she went to get up, she gave me the look. The look that means I'm in deep shit.

"So precious are we mates?" she asked giving me the biggest puppy eyes you will ever see. I mean I really wanted her to be my mate not only was she liked by my family, but she was also so perfect for me. Why does life have to be so difficult? I'm the god damn Alpha I shouldn't have to deal with this shit. I hope the moon goddess hasn't screwed up for me. That would be a nightmare. I don't need this in my life.

"I'm sorry we are not my beautiful baby but that doesn't mean I'm leaving you, I'll 'ave to come up with something," I said to keep her from storming out and causing a scene or crying. I can't hate it when people cry. I just can't deal with it. The only person who can cry to me is me and that's only when watching them sad romance films. The next thing I knew, I had slammed my lips to hers and nearly knocked all the wind from my lungs. I hardly gave her a moment to react before I pressed my tongue to the seam of her lips and, at her grant of access, delved inside her mouth. My hands were wrapped around her petite waist and hers locked around my neck pulling me down slightly. When we broke apart for air, she rested her forehead against my chest and gathered some much-needed oxygen.

"precious, if we don't get going now we'll end up being late for school, you might be the Alpha, but I'm not so let me get a shower," she said, I was completely under her spell I wanted nothing more than have the full day with her in my bed. I offered to go with her, but she said that would be a bad idea as it would take longer. As she showered my thoughts wondered to my mate. I had come up with a plan for this ages ago, just in case shit went down.

What about our mate

"what do you expect me to do Artemis, you're the one who liked Ambrosia in the first place, you also said we couldn't break up with her because it would mean hurting someone,"

That's because you tricked me

"I see so you're blaming me now, well don't worry about anything Arti I've come up with a plan"

Your plan is sadistic and cruel

"we are sadistic and cruel, it's a necessity," I replied and blocked him before he could reply. At that moment the shower stopped, and the sexy Ambrosia came out of the bathroom with all her clothes on. She looked unbelievable. I kissed her one last time before I left to have a shower. I am going to keep what was mine and if that meant being cruel and sadistic as Artemis kindly put it, I will.

I took what I was going to wear and hopped into the shower. Sometime when I'm in the shower I look at my body, what if you had a nicely formed body you would do exactly the same. Don't lie. My shower took longer than I expected because my mother was in my room waiting for me. I got most of my genes from dad apart from the eyes. My mother and I both share the same soul piercing grey eyes. I stood there a little shocked to see her and not Ambrosia.

"Dear we don't have all day, I've made breakfast for you and it will get cold if we don't go quickly," she said

"Alright mother I'm going as quick as I can, do you know were Ambrosia went?" I asked

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