Chapter 14: Ash

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It'll be fine.

This'll be good.

She's finally showing an interest.

I looked over at the sign hanging above my mom's firm, 'design deserves to be noticed.'

I guess to her I didn't deserve to be noticed growing up.

But now she's noticing.

Too many years too late.

But this is what I wanted.


My phone chimed on the passenger seat.

I picked it up and read the text from Cassia.

'Hey. Good luck with your mom today. Hoping everything goes well :)'

A small smile made its way on my face.

'Wow. Your timing is scary,' I replied back. 'Can you read my mind?'

'I don't think I'd want to even if I could.'


'Are you stalling right now?'

'Seriously, like are you in my head right now???'

'Stop stalling. I'll text you later, Ash.'

I clicked my phone off and took the keys from my ignition.

It'll be fine.

I hopped out of my car and walked across the pavement. Each step I took towards the building became heavier to take the closer I got to the door.

It'll be fine.

I walked in through the front door and was hit with a twinge of sadness as I recalled how many hours I spent waiting in the lobby while my mom was in meetings or on a call.

"Hi, are you lost?" The girl behind the desk asked with a raised brow.


"I'm here to see Tiffany." I replied leaning against the counter.

"Is she expecting you?"


"Mhm." She turned her gaze on her computer screen. "And you are who?"

"Her son."

Her head shot up and her eyes were wide.

"I'll call her for you right now."

I gave her a fake smile.

"Hi Mrs. Romero," She spoke into the phone, her voice was kind and raised an octave. "Your son's up front... okay... absolutely... goodbye."

She set the phone back down.

"She said you can go ahead and meet her in her office." Her voice still soaked with a fake sweetness.

"Thanks." I feigned off an eyeroll and headed past her down the hall.

It'd been over five years since I last walked through here.

Everything was different.

Not a single wall was painted the same color as before.

Mom's office still remained at the end of the hall.

I knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

I opened the door and was surprised when i saw that her office was the one thing that hadn't changed over the years.

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