Chapter 13: Cassia

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"It sure is a beautiful Sunday morning, isn't it?" Demetria sang opening my bedroom curtains.

The sun was bright and beamed directly on my bed where just a second ago I was sleeping peacefully.

"I hate you." I groaned throwing my pillow over my head.

"You've got twenty minutes to get ready and tell me about everything that happened last night."


"Because I invited your boyfriend and Trixie to join us at breakfast.They're meeting us here and then we're all driving to Crepeville together."

"No. No. No." I took my pillow off my face and threw it at her. "Why can't you just do lunch like a normal person? It's too early for this."

"It's almost ten. I've let you sleep in long enough." She yanked my blankets off of me, the cold air making me shiver. "Meet me in the kitchen when you're dressed. I want the whole story. Every single detail."

She slipped out of my room and I grudgingly got out of bed and headed to my closet. I picked out a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt. I threw my frizzy hair into a bun and skipped putting in my contacts. After putting on my glasses I brushed my teeth and headed to the kitchen.

I took a seat on one of the bar stools and held my head in my palms.

"Leggings?" Demetria raised a brow. "You're wanting him to stare at you, huh?"

"What? No." I narrowed my eyes at her. "They're just comfortable."

"Mhm. Sure." She took a mug down and poured coffee and creamer into it before setting it in front of me. "What are you waiting for? Spill. I want to hear all about the date last night. I haven't been on a good date in so long, I'm living vicariously through you— so don't leave out a single detail."

I took a sip of my coffee and sighed before telling her everything that happened.

"Oh my god." Her eyes were wide with adoration. "I'm living for this. That's so cute. I wanna fake date him!"

I gave a half-hearted smile before returning to my coffee.

"You enjoyed it though?" She raised a brow.

"Yeah." I sighed. "It was perfect."

"The why the hell do you seem so upset?"

"Because it was perfect."

"Yeah I got that already. How could that possibly make you sad?"

"Because," I whined. "Last night was so perfect that for a second I imagined us being a real couple and that thought turned into too many thoughts late at night and long story short I like him."

"Like him?" She whispered. "Like..."

"Like, I like-like him."

"Oh." Her voice was quiet and her eyes couldn't meet mine. "Oh that's not good. That's not good for you. I know I joke about you two together but you couldn't handle that. You couldn't handle him."

"I know."

I thought back to the conversation Ash and I shared when we made our contract, 'If you by any chance fall for my charm then this thing ends.'

But what if I'm not ready to let this thing end?

There was a knock on the door and both of our heads shot to the door.

"Shit." She turned back to me and stared with wide eyes. "Get the door."

"You get the door!" I whisper yelled back.

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