Chapter 9: Cassia

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Sunday brunch was exactly what I'd been missing for so long. I couldn't even remember the last time I hung out with a group of friends and didn't discuss homework or projects. It was a day full of good old fashioned gossip. Unlike when I hung out with my school friends, there wasn't a need for pretending to be someone who had their life together because the three of us were just completely stuck. Demetria wanted out of retail but didn't know where to go next, Trixie wanted to do more than just be a tattoo artist, and I just needed a goddamn job.

"I think they're completely useless- there's absolutely no point for them to be there." I heard Trixie say.

I met them outside after paying my portion of the bill. After hanging out on Sunday we decided to get dinner after Trixie got off work This tuesday.

"Okay, yeah. But like, imagine them without them." Demetria replied.

Trixie's face scrunched up.

"Oh, gross!"

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked fishing my keys out of my purse.

"Men's nipples." Demetria answered.

"Eww. Why?" I laughed getting into the car.

"Because they annoy me." Trixie slid into the car.


"Because they don't serve a purpose."

"You make a valid argument." I nodded.

"Thank you."

"Where to now?"

"Trixie's house to drop her off and then the Young's house to drop me off." Demetria said reclining back in her seat.

"What could you possibly be doing at the Young's house?"

"House Sitting. They booked a last minute trip to Venice and called me last night." She grinned. "A hundred bucks a day and all I gotta do is make sure their pool doesn't overflow, their mail is brought in, and feed their scary looking cat."

"For how long?"

"Two weeks."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Trixie yelled. "You're getting paid two grand for that?"

"Rich people really do just throw away their money, huh?" I scoffed.

"I'm not complaining." Demetria put her hands behind her head.

I rolled my eyes.

"Speaking of rich people and money," Trixie made eye contact with me through my rearview window. "You should snake your way into working for Tiffany."

"You think I even have a chance?"

"I mean it wouldn't hurt to try." She shrugged. "I'm sure a firm as big as hers is always looking for interns and assistants."

"Plus you're dating her son." Demetria added. "She'd kind of be a pretty shitty person if she didn't hire you."

"Oh, yeah. That's true."

"You're the daughter in law any parent would be happy to have. You've basically already got the job... plus, you owe next months rent so you better get on that now."

Damn, she's right.

After dropping Trixie and Demetria off, I headed back to the apartment. I waved to my 'across the hall neighbor', Sylus, as he drove out of the parking lot and I drove in.

After parking in my usual space, I slid out of the car and crossed the lot. There was a black SUV with the trunk open and filled with several moving boxes. Through the dim light I spotted a vintage looking Crosley vinyl player poking out of the top box next to a guitar case that was covered in stickers.

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