Chapter 3: Cassia

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"You'd totally love her, Cas. She's so cool and funny!"

"Sorry, who are we talking about?" I took my eyes off the road ahead of me and looked at Demetria.

"Trixie." She sighed. "Good to know that you're paying attention to me."

"Sorry." I turned down the music blaring from my car's speakers. "I've got alot on my mind right now."

Yeah, a whole lot of Ash and his hot ass.

"Who's Trixie?" I asked.

"The girl with model long legs and long black hair. She's the one who's doing my tattoo. She's totally into space and astronomy and conspiracy theories. That's why she was so into doing it for me. You know, I was thinking that we should invite her to girls night!"

"Yeah. That'd be a lot of fun."

"Really?" She shifted in her seat giddily. "You'd be okay with that?"
"Of course." I pulled into a parking spot in front of the tattoo shop. "If you like her, I'm sure I will too."

"Sweet!" She unbuckled her seat belt and slid out of my car.

"Hey," I called after her before she could walk through the door. "Does it bother you the total lack of character in this place?"


"Like they don't even have a clever name. It's just 'Tattoo Shop.' That doesn't bug you?"

"Obviously not as much as it bugs you." She laughed and then walked through the glass door.

I shrugged it off and followed her inside. Trixie was behind the counter on a computer and looked up as soon as she heard us come in.

"Hey! You ready?" Trixie smiled at Demetria.

"Nervous but ready." Demetria turned to me. "Trixie this is Cassia, Cassia this is Trixie."

"Hey. It's nice to finally meet you. I've heard alot about you." Trixie smirked.

"Oh, really?" I asked cautiously. "It's nice to meet you too."

"So I've got the station all ready and the design all drawn up." Trixie clapped her hands together. "Let's head on back!"

Demetria and I followed her to the back past a familiar, and very attractive, face hunched over in concentration working on some girls thigh.

Trixie pulled out an extra chair for me to sit in as she told Demetria to pull up her shirt.

"I'm not going to lie to you," Trixie told Demitria. "The rib cage hurts like a bitch to get tatted."

"Nothing I can't handle." She replied nervously.

"You're tough." Trixie smiled. "I dig that."

Trixie cleaned and prepped Demetria's skin. I forced myself to not turn around and sneak a glance at Ash sitting only a few feet behind me.

"Come here and give me your hand, Cass." Demetria said as soon as the tattoo gun buzzed to life.

I scooted myself closer and gave Demetria my hand. The second she grabbed a hold of it she started squeezing.

"Oww." I protested.

"So tell me about yourself, Cassia." Trixie said leaning over Demetria.

"What do you want to know?"

"Tell me your story." She glanced up at me. "You seem like a very interesting girl."

"I don't know about that." I laughed.

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