Morning Love

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Two months have gone by, and Henry wakes next to his wife. The morning sun shines brightly into their bedroom, which isn't always the case in London.

Their appetite for making love has only increased, although they've literally spent every moment together inside their home.

Mateo, Alexander, and Henry do what they can to run the business from Henry and Blake's home, but that's not what's on his mind this morning.

He kisses her neck and she stirs easily. He looks up at her, and a smile crept up on her face.

He was careful when he rolled on top her, so he didn't hurt his growing child in her belly. He loves how she giggles when the baby moves.

He looked down at her smiling face as she opened those beautiful eyes. She lifted her head and he kissed her passionately while he cupped her face, and mentally raising her beautiful body, he slipped inside her since his new rule is to sleep naked. She gasped which gave him a smirk.

Her body is amazing as he thrusts in and out of her. It's been months, and every time he touches her he falls deeper in love.

Her silk walls and quiet moans drive him insane. Making love to his wife is the closest he has ever felt to God. His love for her only confirms God's existence to Henry. A woman like this could only have been created by the hand of God himself.

He feels her tighten, and he knows he has driven her to the brink of her orgasm. His orgasms have only intensified as time goes on. The more their baby grows, the more attraction he feels toward the mother of his child.

Her legs begin to shake, and she is once again amazed by her husband's touch. She tries hard not to scream out his name with a house full of family.

He flips her over, and she looks back at him as he enters her from behind. Her playful smile when she looks back at him, makes his heart skip a beat.

He moans ever so quietly, and she takes in the view of the man behind her. He shuts his eyes and bites his lip while that infamous vein on his neck pops out. She notices that vein every time he's about to explode inside her.

"You're amazing." He grunts out between his breaths. He has no idea how much his wife feels the same about him.

He finally explodes while her entire body shakes from her second orgasm. She bites on to the sheets as she fights her screams of pleasure and he watches from behind.

They collapse on the bed and into each other's arms trying to catch their breaths.

"My God, I love you." He kisses her head, and she smiles with satisfaction.

Beside her huge appetite for sex, she always thinks about food. Her craving for ice cream only increases.

"I need an ice cream." She whispers, and he laughs. "Already? It's not even noon."

"Tell your kid that, Henry." He lowers his head to her belly.

"Breakfast first, then ice cream." He kissed her belly, and she laughed from the tickle it gave her.

The baby moves and she jumped a tad. She still hasn't adjusted to the sensation of the life inside her.

She grabs his hand and places it on her belly and Henry smiles, then kissed her belly again.

Suddenly they hear a thumping noise and both bust out laughing. Alexander and Justine have their own love story to tell, but Justine isn't as quiet as her sister as Alexander takes her to her highest point.

"I'm just thankful your parent sleep downstairs." Blake teases her husband.

"That's just sick." He decides to remove any images from his mind that may scar him for life.

The thumps from the couple next door become louder and faster and they both laugh.

"Now may be the best time for a shower." Henry starts to get out of bed, but she clears her throat. "Your child says its time for ice cream."

He shakes his head and smiles. "Tell my child, compromise is necessary, and a healthy English breakfast must come first."

She just laughs. "You are just worried your own ass is growing since you do partake as well."

"You're right, maybe a workout before breakfast?" He truly isn't worried about his wife's curves. He loves her body, and she is filling out in all the right places. Her breasts grow more perfect, and her ass is gorgeous.

"I'll join you after I pee." Henry thinks is funny that she runs to the bathroom all the time, including several times at night.

He watches her gorgeous naked body as she sprints to the bathroom.

He throws on a pair of sweats, then he walks on down to his gym. The anger he has for the people responsible for their lives as prisoners in their own home, is taken out on his punching bag.

He doesn't like for Blake to see this side of him. It's like there's a monster screaming to be let out, and he wants blood on his hands. He wants to kill the people responsible.

Jake has been spending time between Washington D.C. with his wife and children, and London with his only sibling. He has a personal vendetta against the people responsible, and itches for the day he gets to catch these people.

Blake was over the moon when she found out Jake will soon be a father for the third time. She dreams about having a cousin for her child. It's the small things she missed out on as a child that she craves most for her own.

Henry already has plans for a second child. He wants to fill their home with children. He was an only child, and does not want that for his own child.

Alexander is the closest thing to a brother he as ever known, and although Alexander has siblings of his own, he also sees Henry as a brother. Maybe soon they won't just be cousins, but in-laws.

Knowing Henry was busy in the gym, Blake snuck a few bites of ice cream and moaned as she closed her eyes at the spoonful of heaven that melts in her mouth.

Meanwhile, Henry was doing pull-ups, when Alexander walked into the gym with a smile that only confirmed his earlier activities.

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