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"Henry, I think I should take on a partner. What do you think? I don't want to miss out on taking ample time off when the baby comes. I need a partner, and maybe even someone to fill in when I'm not there if we get busy enough."

They've been back in London for a week now.

"I agree. I really don't want you having all that extra stress. There's always the option of waiting to open after the baby comes." He offers what he really wants her to do.

"I really don't want to wait. We've still got six months. I'm growing restless, Henry." She is sitting on his lap at his office.

"Why don't you let Abigail set up some interviews for an assistant. Someone that can take some of the business parts off of you. Then you've always got use of our accountants and attorneys." He rests his chin on her shoulder.

"I don't think Abigail likes me much, Henry. Besides, I can get recommendations from the hospital for other doctors. I'll need an office staff eventually, and I'm not sure about letting Abigail do anything."

"Has she done something to make you feel like she doesn't like you?" He asks.

"Well, I asked for the bathroom when I got here, and she sent me to the men's room, then she rolls her eyes whenever I step off the elevator. I don't think giving her more work will win her over anytime soon." He kisses her cheek, and tries to not think the worst of his assistant's intentions toward his wife.

"You need to know something about Abigail." His voice shakes.

"Oh no, she's not one of them is she?" She sounds annoyed.

"It never meant anything, it was just..you know."

"Sex? Oh my God, Henry. No wonder she hates me. Wait! You work with her every day. How would you feel if I screwed my secretary?"

Henry laughs. "Pretty turned on actually."

"Good Lord, two girls can't screw!" She laughs. "A secretary isn't always female you know."

"Do you want me to fire her?" He asks.

"No, absolutely not, but it worries me. I know how you are, Henry." She sounds very upset.

"How I was, Blake. There's no way I could ever stray from you, but I also don't want you worrying over nothing."

"Was it just once or twice, maybe?" She asks.

"Blake, don't do this and torture yourself. I said before, it meant nothing."

"What you're saying is that it's happened a lot? Oh my God! You did it right here, didn't you?" She stands up in disgust.

"Do you want me to switch offices or something? Listen, we both had lives prior to meeting, and I can't change that, but I also don't want you feeling like you're somehow haunted from my past. You already know I've been with a lot of women, but you're the first I ever didn't use a condom with, and you're the love of my life. I've never loved anyone else."

She paces. "Whenever a woman looks at you I'm going to wonder if you ever had sex with her, and you know I've only ever been with one other man. Your Secretary? Really, Henry? Who else in this building?" She's almost frantic.

"Don't do this, Blake. It doesn't matter does it?" He asks.

"Yes! It does matter, to me!" She answers.

"Come on, let's go get some lunch and forget I ever said anything. I just wanted to be honest with you and not hide anything." He tries to pull her into a hug.

"No! I got treated like shit when I walked in here! Now every day when you go to work, I'm going to be worried you've got some woman bent over that desk! I've never even been bent over your desk! Oh my god, you bent her over that desk, didn't you?" She starts to cry and Henry feels helpless.

"I..I can bend you over..."

"Stop Henry, just stop! I have to go. I can't deal with this right now." She grabbed her coat and purse and stormed out of his office. He chased after her, but she pushed him away. Abigail watches with a smirk on her face and Henry noticed.

"You!" He points at Abigail. "In my office, now!" He storms into his office and as the redhead enters after him, he slams the door.

She tries to push her body against his and her lips crashed on to his, and it disgusted him. He grabbed her arms and pushed her away. "You had no right to do that!" He wiped off his mouth.

"Just so you know, that woman is my wife! You had no right to touch me, or to treat her like shit!"

She starts to cry. "Oh, stop the waterworks, Abigail. We stopped fucking months ago!"

"Yeah, when you were forced to marry that woman! You don't think I know what goes on in this office? You all but declared your hate for her!"

"Oh, it's far from hate! I love my wife, and just so you know, she's pregnant with my baby, and I won't jeopardize that for anyone!" He points at her and screams.

"Wow! What the hell is going on in here?" Alexander came running in.

"Find her another department to work in and get me a new assistant. Male preferably, and I want her out of here today!"

"You'll regret this, Chap! You think you can use me and throw me away? I don't think so, there are laws against the way you're treating me."

"Get out, and it's Mr. Chapman to you!" He walks toward his desk and Alexander escorts the woman out.

Henry quickly packs up to go after Blake.  He can't stand the idea of her being so upset, and he knows it's his fault.

Blake's Twisted Fate (A Completed Steamy, Romance)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora