The Death of Him

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After Gina left, Blake was just annoyed. How dare he tell her she can't have a career?

She walked into the den and scanned Henry's bar, only finding hard liquor. A few shots won't hurt a thing, she says to herself. She settles on vodka, and made a cold soda to chase the vodka down.

Nodody is home, so she turned on the radio and sat down. She lost count on how many shots she had, as her deep thoughts sucked her into a deep dark hole.

She remembered meeting Ryan, and how he made her feel so beautiful. She regrets losing him, but she always told him her career would come first. She sighed. She missed him.

She hears the front door shut, and she takes a deep breath and rolled her eyes.

She stands, but fell back down on to the couch and giggles. She tries it again and was proud of the first step she took.

Henry stops in the hall after hearing the giggles come from his den. He walks in, and she's bending over looking at his stereo and pushing buttons. "What are you doing?"

She stands and turns around, almost losing her balance in the process. "Oh, look who it is! Mr. Sunshine himself graced us with his presence." She stumble, but he caught her.

"What have you been drinking?" He looks over and sees a cheap bottle of Vodka sitting on the end table.

She tries to squirm away from him, but she's unsuccessful. "Here, have some." She tries to reach for the bottle.

He figures, why not, and took a swig straight from the bottle. "This is shit." He gagged out, then guided her to sit on the couch while he went to the bar for a better bottle.

He took a few shots, then took the bottle over, and plopped down on the couch with Blake.

"Do whatever you have to do for your career. I understand you've been miserable, and I had no right to treat you the way I did, so I'm sorry."

She reaches over and grabs his hand. "I appreciate everything you've done for me, Henry. I know you don't like me much, but I really just want the best case scenario here, besides it's my fault for getting curious about my birth family." She finishes, then reaches for his bottle and takes a swig.

"I don't dislike you, Blake. I dislike our situation. I never wanted marriage, and I'm not exactly husband material." He answers.

"So you were hoping I'd move to Boston and let you live your life however you want? Henry, that's fine." She squints to see him better. "I can keep secrets. There's no reason to be someone you're not. I don't want your unhappiness."

Henry looks at her in a different light. She just told him to have affairs and she would keep his secrets, but what about her? Bury herself in work?

"What about you, your happiness?" He asks.

"I get a lot of joy from my job. I'm not a hard person to please, Henry. I don't need much." She shrugged her shoulders.

"You'll date?" He asked, but for some reason it turns his stomach.

She laughs. "I don't date. I was in high school when I met Ryan, and we haven't been divorced long. I already had my one chance and lost it." She answers, and it pings a bit of sadness in him for her.

"I won't as long as you don't. That's not fair, Blake." He answers.

She throws her head back and laughs. "We've only been married for weeks, and you've already stepped out. You couldn't do it, Henry. I don't expect you to either. Just let me have a life. It's your only obligation."

Dammit, why does she have to be so damn perfect?

He takes a few more swigs and hands the bottle to Blake.

"We are going to Boston. Dad said you need to tie up some lose ends. We can leave Tuesday. Dad said we can use the company jet." He nudges her.

"Really? So Justine won't have to come here, that's wonderful!" Damn, she is easy to please.

She hops up and turns on the stereo again. "Dance with me, Henry!" She reaches for his hands, and he complies now that he is also feeling the effects of the vodka.

He pulls her into him, and he is actually feeling better after their talk, but he's also feeling conflicted.

He leaned in and whispered. "I slept in a hotel by myself last night, Blake. I didn't do anything." He assures her, but he can't say that about the last time, since oral sex probably counts.

"Its your life, Henry." He catches her eyes again, and they're not just his favorite part of her to look at, but maybe his favorite thing over anything else. This is why he's conflicted. He shakes it off and dips her, and she laughs.

He loves that laugh.

He swings her around and laughs at her clumsiness as she falls back in to him. She rests her head in his chest and he kisses the top of her head, taking in her scent.

The song ends, and she lifts her head and looks up at him.

"Thank you, Henry." She says, but he's puzzled.

"For what?" He asks.

"For everything." She nuzzles her head back into his chest, and he takes a deep breath. This woman is going to be the death of him and his sex life.

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