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"You're asking for trouble, Dr. Russo."  He looks at her with lust in his eyes.

"That's Dr. Chapman to you."  She tries not to laugh.

He stands there watching as she reaches up to grab two coffee cups.  "One lump or two?"  She asks, and she's not even looking at him. 

"Two,"  he says as he memorized her breasts.

"I'm getting hungry.  We should really call for room service."  She stirs their coffee.

"Would you like cream?  I think I saw some in the fridge."  She bends over into the fridge, and he curses under his breath.

"What was that?"  She asks.

"Oh, umm, no cream."  He answers.

"So, what was it you wanted to talk about last night?"  She asks as she walks over with two mugs in her hands and gives him one. 

"Nothing."  Is all he says, and she turns away from him and sits at the little table.

"Are you calling for breakfast or should I?"  She asks.

"I will."  He walks away to do that, and she figures she better gets a shower and gets dressed. 

She decides on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, since they will only be traveling home which is less than thirty minutes away. 

"I think I'll ask Paul over for dinner tonight.  What do you think?"  She asks, and he tilts his head.

"What is it with you two?  Are you fuck buddies or something?"  Her jaw drops, and he can see he hit a nerve.

"Contrary to what you may believe, it is possible to have a friendship with the opposite sex, and for your information, I don't have fuck buddies.  I'm not a whore like the ladies you like to frequent.  I saved myself for marriage, and I'll do it again if I ever get the chance out of this fake one."

Christ!  She's only been with one man?

"If we could only be so lucky."  He said back. 

Silence filled the air in the car, and as soon as they got home, he walked in, leaving her with her bags once again. 

After getting out of the mansion, it was hard to return.  Some things will be changing around here, whether her dear husband likes it or not.  Her loneliness and boredom have hit an extreme high.

She made her way to his office and sat down in front of his desk, and he didn't even look up at her.  She cleared her throat.  "What do you want?  You're not even supposed to be in here."  He doesn't look up at her.

"I'm applying for a license to practice here, and I plan to start my own practice.",

This goes against all his plans.  Why is she trying to settle here and not go back home?


She is surprised by the bluntness.

"You can't tell me what to do with my career."

He has nothing against her having a career, he just wants her to do it somewhere else.

"I said no, you're a married woman with a household to run." 

She stands up and points her finger at him.

"You have no right to say what I can and cannot do!  I only told you so you wouldn't be surprised when I'm off to work, and you're still sitting at home.  If I'm forced to live here, I'm practicing with or without your consent.  I worked too damn hard not to, so don't even think you have any say in the matter!" 

"Why can't you just practice in Boston?  Just because we were forced into this, doesn't mean you have to stay here indefinitely.  As soon as all precautions are lifted, you can go home.  We will still be married, but that doesn't mean we have to live together." 

She laughs at his naivety.

"You don't think I already tried that?  It's in the contract, dumbass." 

"What?"  He looks at her with surprise.

"Oh, so Mr. Successful businessman didn't read the damn contract?  If I practice in Boston, you have to come with me, otherwise you lose everything.  Doesn't matter to me, but I thought I was being nice by staying. So fine, I'll get packed.  It's your choice if you stay or not." 

She turns around and leaves.  Henry throws everything off his desk.  His rage is not like anything else he's ever felt.

He takes off in his car, and wasn't seen for the rest of the night. 

He did not return that night, and when his parents arrived for a visit, nobody had still heard from him.

Mateo shot him a text to meet him at the local pub.  He didn't respond, but Mateo knew he would show up.

Mateo settled in at a table in the back, and after only a few minutes of waiting, his son storms in and sits across from him.

"What?"  He says in a condescending tone. 

"You know what, so don't give me that attitude."  Mateo counters.

"I'm stuck, thanks to you."  The waitress comes up and he orders a beer.  "I"m stuck with her and you know it."  He finishes.

"Is she that bad?"  Mateo knows better.

"I never wanted marriage, and you know this, Dad."

"You need to step back and look at the bigger picture, son.  Men everywhere envy you. Hell, with her on your arm you're even more powerful.  Her ancestry alone gives you power.  She's also a selfless person.  She got what she needed and could easily bring you to ruins, but she refuses.  She has sacrificed her career and stayed here away from her life back at home.  She benefits nothing by staying with you.  She's done it because she's kind and wouldn't let you suffer.  Her sacrifices  to stay here are in your best interest."

Henry sits back and tries to find reasoning. 

"You saved her by marrying her, now she's just trying to do right by you."  Mateo continues.

"Dad, it wouldn't be so bad if we could live separate lives, but obviously that's not an option." 

"What is it about this woman you don't like?  She's beautiful, successful, independent, and she's there for your benefit, so she's selfless.  She's more than your mother and I would have ever dreamed for a daughter-in-law." 

"It's not that I don't like her, I just don't like our situation.  Next thing you know, she will want children or something.  I'm not ready for all this, dad." 

Mateo laughs.  "From what I saw the other night, you have no problem with affection for the girl.  Let her in, Henry.  She will change your life for the better." He smiles.

"What about her life?  I'm not a good man, Dad." 

"You are, but you haven't let yourself know the right woman.  The chemistry is there, you might as well give in to it."  Mateo says.

Henry doubts his ability to stay faithful as Blake deserves.  She deserves a better man.

"I want you to take her to Boston.  Help her tie up her life there, and when you come back after a few weeks, we will see about you returning to work." 

Blake's Twisted Fate (A Completed Steamy, Romance)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang