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They walk into the house, and once again they're greeted by a shirtless Eric.  Henry doesn't approve of him dressing like that around his wife.  But why is that? He doesn't know.

"Hi, Eric!"  Blake greets him, and he drops the beer he was just about to open. 

"Oh, ah.. umm. Hi Blake." 

Justine walks up behind them. "He always gets nervous around my gorgeous sister."  She laughs.

Eric stands there looking Blake up and down and Henry isn't amused, so he clears his throat and sticks out his hand.

"I'm Henry Chapman, Blake's husband."  Eric shakes it back.

"Eric Caldwell, Justine's friend." 


"Want to watch a movie?"  Blake asks Henry.

He agrees, and she grabs a bottle of wine and two glasses and they settle on the couch and start watching a WWII flick.  She curls up next to him and he wraps his arm around her.  It felt like home.

He kissed her hair, and she looks up at him and smiles. 

Before the end of the movie, she falls asleep, so he picked her up and carried her up to bed and sat down next to her and watched her sleep.  His hand brushed the hair out of her face as he admired how peaceful she looked.

"If only I was a better man."  He got dressed for bed, knowing it'll be a long night laying next to this gorgeous woman.

The next morning, Blake needed to run some errands and Henry stayed back.  He quickly realized how bored he was getting, then a thought dawned on him.  How bored was Blake back home?  He just took her there and ignored her, and she didn't complain one time.  Amazing. 

He decided to go for a walk.  This is only one of several trips he's taken to the Stares, but he's never been in the suburban areas.  The homes were small for his standards, but they were nice.  He came upon a park and noticed some kids throwing a football, families having picnics, and children chasing each other.  Everyone looked happy.  He always thought people in this kind of life were unhappy. 

He noticed a younger couple kissing in front of the small pond.  The man looked like he was on top of the world.  Another man held up a baby and smiled at her, then gave her a kiss on the cheek.  He has to wonder if it's possible for him to be that happy someday. 

Is it possible?

He then thinks about Blake.  The first time he saw her at their wedding, she was beyond stunning.  She was so scared, and he treated her terribly for weeks.  None the less, she treats him with the respect he didn't deserve. 

That night, when she let her dress fall, and looked at him and said thanks.  He chuckled a little at the memory. 

Then last night, when she looked up at him and smiled.  Fuck, he's got what most all men want, and he has turned his back on it. 

He stood up and went back to the house and smiled when he saw her car in the driveway. 

He jogs up the steps and walked in, only to be met by a divine aroma.  Upon entering the kitchen, where she was in her tight jeans and t-shirt, he saw she had headphones on and was dancing a little while she cooked. 

He leaned against the fridge and crossed his arms with a smirk. 

That one little person has turned his life upside down.  She has him thinking about things he's always avoided thinking about. 

She turns the jumps.  "Oh my God, you scared me!"  She places her hand over her heart and giggles. 

He smiles as she takes her headphones off.  "I want to take you out tonight."  He says.

She tilts her head.  "Where?" 

"To a club.  You said you never had time to enjoy yourself, so let's go out."

She thinks about it.  "Fine, let's go out, but not till after supper."  She turns back around and starts cooking again.

Two hours later, they are walking hand in hand to a night club in downtown Boston.  She's wearing a black dress and pumps, and, as always, looking beautiful.  He walks with her seeing all the men's eyes look her up and down, and he knows he's these men's envy.  He leads her to a booth and orders them both a beer and a few shots. 

Blake stares out at the dance floor wondering if she will be able to get Henry out there later.  She doesn't know what to think about his change in attitude.  He smiles more, and kicks herself for daydreaming about having those lips on her again.

After a few more shots, she's feeling a bit tipsy, but excuses herself to the bathroom.  He stands like the gentleman he's supposed to, then sit back down. 

He's approached by a few women, but he's in no way interested.  He just points at his wedding band and they walk away.  Typically, he would be looking these women up and down, but not since he met Blake. 

She returns and sits across from him.  "Blake!"  A girl stands next to her, and she stands up to hug the girl.  She introduced the girl as Tammy and Henry as her husband.

"I heard about Ryan.  He's an ass!"  She says. 

"I'm much better off now,"  Blake responds. 

"He said he was so in love with you, but we both know, a man in love can't get it up with any other woman.  He's a tramp."  Tammy says, and Henry gulps. 

He thinks back to the night he couldn't do just that,  not long after he met Blake.  "Fuck"  he whispers under his breath.  Is that why she's been on his mind every second of every day?  It can't be.

He takes a few more shots and so does Blake. 

Blake's Twisted Fate (A Completed Steamy, Romance)Where stories live. Discover now