House of Lorraine

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"So, this disaster is supposed to happen today?"  Alexander asked his best friend.

"Yes,"  Henry answered, as he drank his scotch and looked out the window.

"Arranged?  Like, 1750's style royal bullshit, and you said she's a fat cat lady?"  Alexander asked.

Henry rolled his eyes. "Who knows, all I know is that she's a physician from Boston, and she's a year younger than me and had one previous marriage.  That's all I can tell you."  He threw back the rest of what's was in his glass and set it down on his desk.

Alexander stood there stunned as he looked at his friend. 

"You have never laid eyes on the woman?  You're royally screwed, no pun intended."  Alexander said and wasn't helping matters.

Back at the Chapman Estates, Blake was meeting her grandmother, Lady Kathleen Lorraine and Duke Montgomery Lorraine.

Kathleen's eyes filled with tears as she laid her eyes on her lost grandchild.  "You are so beautiful. There's so much of my daughter in you."  The vivacious 80-year-old woman, who looked not a day over 60, pulled her into a hug. 

"I'm so glad to know you've been safe, and with the help of Mateo and Gina, you will be forever safe in the arms of their handsome son."  She said and Blake almost needed to vomit over the thought of marriage to a complete stranger. 

"My Rose."  Her grandmother cupped her granddaughters face.  "Your Uncle is downstairs, and has only lately been informed of Maxwell's ancestry.  He's anxious to meet you, and soon you will meet his wife and children.  They were unable to come today which is so very unfortunate."  Kathleen spoke and Blake soaked in the woman's features.  Amazed her own flesh and blood is standing in front of her speaking. 

"I suppose I should address you as Blake?"  The elderly woman asked as she found a seat. 

"Yes, please."  Blake took a seat also. 

"You're a physician like your father?  A very noble profession, indeed."  Kathleen complimented

"Mrs. Lorrai..." 

Kathleen interrupted.  "Please, call me Grandmother."  She reached over and squeezed Blake's hand, then gave her a reassuring smile.

"Grandmother, can you tell me more about this Henry Chapman?"  Blake needed some kind of reassurance she's not marrying a rapist, or a woman beating prick.

"A little, yes.  He was educated at Oxford, like your father and grandfather.  He's second in charge at Chapman Industries, and lives a very private life.  I'm unaware of any previous attachments.  He's not a talkative chap, more of an observer.  He's kind, but has a dominating presence.  He does seem to be a good man."  She reassured her granddaughter.

"I do apologize for staring.  The last time I saw you, I was holding you in my arms, mesmerized by those silver eyes.  You were such a beautiful baby, just like your mother."  Kathleen stared and Blake blushed.

"Ladies,  it's almost time.   Blake dear, your belongings have been shifted to Henry's home, but I have your attire for the day ready in your changing room.  Kathleen, you're more than welcome to join us."  Gina offered.

"No, thank you.  I believe I will visit with my old friend Mateo.  Thank you so much, Gina, for everything you've done for my grandchild.  She's beautiful."  Kathleen hugged Blake one more time before Gina leads Blake to her changing room.

Mateo stood at the door waiting for his son to appear.  He was nervous his son would not show up and with good reason.  Henry hasn't returned his calls since his bride's arrival. 

Soon, his fears fade away when he sees the black car come up the driveway and park outside the grand home.  Henry walked in with a scowl on his face.  "Where's the American pig?  Let's get this over, I have things to do today." He said.

"Young man!  Is that how you address my beautiful granddaughter?  I'll have you know she's an angel, and I better not hear of any Ill treatment."  Henry just walked past the old lady to the bar and poured himself another drink. 

"Son, no more.  You've obviously had a few already.  I need you sober, and where is Alexander?"  Mateo paced.

"He's on a call taking care of business, like I should be doing."  Henry threw back his glass of the amber liquid.

"I'll go get Alexander, go take your place out in the garden,"  Mateo said as he stomped off.

Blake is ready and meeting her uncle for the first time.  He looks at her with silver loving eyes.

"I'm sorry if I stare.  I've just never met flesh and blood."  Blake said with a blush.  The handsome man stood in front of her with a smile on his face. 

"I think we have the same nose and eyes."  He chuckled.  "You're so beautiful, just like my sister.  I'm just sorry we had to meet under these circumstances. I'm so sorry about your predicament.  I have lived many years trying to solve my sister's...death."  He tried to avoid the horrible word, murder. 

"Well, niece, are you ready to get this thing done?"  He said and she frowned, then nods with hesitation.

The Duke ushered his niece down the grand staircase,  just as Mateo walked inside with another strange man.  His jaw dropped and then a smile crept up on his face as he nodded, and they all make their way to the garden.  Little did she know, Alexander is not her groom.  In fact, she will be blown away by the man she would see in just a few minutes.

Blake is dressed in a simple white summer dress as she stood with her Uncle just inside the house. 

"Under all of his facade, he's a good man.  If he wasn't, I would be helping you run away right now."  He pat her hand that was resting on his other arm.

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