Game Changer

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Henry sits behind his desk while talking to his father.  All too often anymore he dreads speaking with his father, because it's almost always about Blake.

Now he is informing him that Kathleen Lorraine wants to have a coming out party for Blake in Paris next week.  They are all to attend, including Alexader and Justine, since she will be in town. 

This means the more missed time from work for him, and more alone time with Blake.  It's bittersweet, because he has a lot of projects that need his attention, but it also means spending time with Blake.  He wants to kick himself after realizing he was actually excited about spending time with his wife.  How does that make sense, when he's been avoiding her while under the same roof?

Meanwhile, Blake is tired all the time and she's moody.  Tired of the games and every way her life is changing.

A week had passed, and after Justine arrived, her spirits were lifted just with that one person's presence.  She has barely seen Henry, so being in a jet with him and their two guests were suffocating. 

She and Justine were sitting on the couch in the jet, and every time she looked up Henry's eyes were focusing on her.  It's almost creepy, like he's plotting her demise or something. 

She stares right back, as Justine talks away without a care in the world.  How is he going to do it?  Poison maybe?  What if he has a trap door on this jet, and he has her plummet to earth?

He's definitely planning something in that dark mind of his, and she doesn't like it one bit.  She looks away from him as he stands and walks over to her.  "Could I have a word?"  He asks.

This is it, it's the trap door method.  She shakes off what she was thinking and follows him to the back bedroom, leaving Alexander alone with her sister. 

He shuts the door behind him and locks it.  She stands there with her arms crossed.

"What?  I'm really not wanting to argue Henry." 

"Me either, I just have to know something."  He looks at her differently now. 


"What do you want?"  He asks.

"What do you mean?"  She's confused.  She didn't ask for anything.

"From this marriage.  Do you want love or just friendship, because we need to make a decision.  This isn't a healthy way to live, and I can see it's taking a toll on you."  He says.

She was really not wanting to have this conversation today.

"I don't know."  She answers.  "What do you want, because you are the master of mixed signals."  She adds.

He took a deep breath and walked over to stand in front of her.  "I want you to be happy, and I hate seeing you looking so exhausted all the time.  I can't stand that I'm the cause of all this, Blake.  You have to take care of yourself."

"It's hard living with you Henry, don't get me wrong, but it's not you."  She starts to pace. 

"Are you okay?"  He asks.

"I'm pregnant, Henry." 

He turned pale and his face changed.  She couldn't read him, and has no idea if he's about to scream or cry.

Thoughts of the people in the park that day in Boston run through his mind, along with visioning himself in a prison.  He has no idea what to think or what to say.  His body is numb, and he can't move.  He just stares at her, then when he finally finds his strength again, he opens the door and storms out.  Leaving Blake alone and scared. 

She pushes back her tears and composes herself, before walking back out and taking a seat next to Justine.  "Is everything okay?  Henry looks like he just saw a ghost." 

"It's fine.  Anyways where were we?  You were talking about the new department Macy's added?" 

She glanced up at Henry, and he's just staring out the window.  He looks oblivious to what's happening around him, as she can see Alexander talking. 

Once the jet lands, they exited and she was surprised when he put his hand on the small of her back and led her to the waiting car.  Alexander and Justine talked the entire way to Lorraine Estates, and Henry sat there looking like he just saw a train crash.

Blake and Justine both watched in awe as their car pulled up in front of the most spectacular home they've ever seen.  It's a castle, literally a castle, which made Blake even more nervous. 

This was the home her grandmother was raised in before she married Blake's grandfather and moved to England. 

"What do you expect?  It's the house if Lorraine, you are Lady Lorraine Chapman, Blake."  Alexander snorted.

"I didn't think I had a title, or was considered a part of anything so huge."  She answered.

"You still have a title in all three countries.  You and your descendants just won't ever rule.  Plus, the monarchy is so different these days anyhow."  He answers. 

Henry helped her out of the car, which was weird in itself, especially since he can barely look at her. 

"My darling granddaughter!"  Kathleen pulls her into a hug.  Then hugs Henry, "My grandson-in-law."  She kisses his cheek, then invites them for tea while her staff settles their belongings into their rooms.

"So, it's been a few weeks since we last spoke, darling.  What is new in your newlywed lives?"

"Well, I've gotten my license to practice in England, and I've purchased a building to start my own practice. I'm still a few months away from opening, but I'm very excited."  She answers.

"No news about a possible great-grandchild?"  She asks.

"Sorry, there's nothing to share at this time Grandmother."  She lies.

Henry just sat there quietly, and it's nagging at Blake, but she knows not to push it with him.  He will talk when he's ready.

Kathleen explained that dinner will be hosted tomorrow evening so she can meet her whole family before the ball in two days.  The Chapman's are due to arrive later this evening, so they probably won't see them until tomorrow. 

She's exhausted and asked to be shown to her room.  A nap would do her wonders, so when the housemaid let her to her room, Henry followed.

Blake figures she won't be having any peace for a few hours, since Henry loves to argue, and she knows she's in for a big one tonight.

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