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Just like everyone else of importance here, I've been given a room to accommodate myself throughout my stay.

Although my time here has been short, word of my arrival has quickly spread throughout the court.

People have begun to whisper and gossip about the supposed Lianna Northwell. Some include themselves in the conversation, while others are just  confused as to why she's here.

Technically, a member of House Northwell hasn't stepped foot into court for decades.

The noble house was once an influential and powerful family that one day vanished from the face of society. Multiple people say they wanted privacy from the public eye, while others argue as to why they'd give up all the power.

Like everyone else, I have no idea as to why the family just disappeared, but the whole situation doesn't really concern me. The only thing I need to be worrying about it figuring out to create an identity that's believable to the eyes around me. Then again, it isn't hard to play a person most people have never met.

The people around me will be looking for answers. They are looking for answers. All eyes and ears will be turned to me and I'd have to convince them her whole existence isn't a lie. Starting with the King.

When word of my arrival scraped the court, the King was quick to find out and was also made aware of all the speculation against my house.

Almost immediately after I'd settled in, the King called for an audience with me. I'd say he's smart, to say the least. Questioning and nit-picking at someone new to him to understand what he's dealing with before they become a threat. Pulling apart a rumor by the root, to convince the others -as well as himself- around him.

I'm thankful I'm prepared for the encounter. Living with my mother has taught me to think before I speak and to only speak when spoken to. She used to put to the test all the time, calling on me publicity only to see how long it would take for her to break me.

Surprisingly, each time it happened I only built more of a tolerance for her and her attacks. When she realized it, it only made her even angrier at me for not conveying the reaction she wanted me to.

She'd sit high upon her throne as she peered down at me with a look meant to kill. She knew that despite whatever dislike I began to build up for her, my fear would always be stronger. So, I'd always oblige to the Siren Queen's will.

I'd bow before her as she made me second guess myself for completely normal and childish things. Sometimes I could tell it was out of spite, while other times it was for her own amusement, or even just for my own humiliation.

My mother showed me a kind of hatred I never quite understood. Especially since Kahliteia never received the same treatment, at least not on the same kind of degree I did. Even now that I know the history I still don't completely understand why she treats me the way she does.

But regardless of the circumstances, growing up with her prepared me for the journey none of us knew was coming. Now, those same traumatic experiences would probably be the only reason I'd survive the rest of the few months I had here.

Cliara had been gracious enough to let me borrow one of her older gowns. I had told her my journey to court had been rushed and had caught my family off-guard. I told her that although I did have things of my own, they were out of fashion and unfit for the prying eyes around here. Upon hearing my excuses, she almost immediately agreed to help me.

Now, I'd be using the clothes she lent me to meet with the King. I hope he won't notice any similarities.

Two guards accompany both sides of the door leading into the throne room. They're covered head to toe in armor and hold spears made out of iron. Although the display is meant to be intimidating, I can't say I'm frightened.

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