Chapter 32

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"How many times do I have to tell you I'm sorry. It was years ago. Bay please open this door." Ezra said pounding on the door.
"Go away."
"No. I'm staying here. If you just open this stupid door, then we can talk."
"You lied to me. You looked me straight in the eyes." I wiped away a tear.
"Bay please," I Hurd a little thud against the door. I sat there, and then got up to open the door. He wrapped his arms around me, and kissed my forehead.
"Please tell me what happened." He looked into my eyes.
"Nothing much. He shot three people in front of me and Danielle. He shot the truck driver that caused my accident, the doctor with the angry voice," I paused, and he met my eyes confused. "And Hailey." He reaches for the bed to sit down.
"Turns out, they were all working for him. He payed them to get me closer to him. He payed the driver to get me into a bad enough accident, so I would need augers, which is where the doctor comes in. The doctor, of course had to keep me alive, and then plant the microchip into my neck. And lastly he payed Hailey to mess around with you, so I wouldn't want to be with you anymore."
"But why did he kill her?" He asked blankly.
"He payed her to mess around with you. She fell in love with you which eventually in the end, her love for you was what got her killed." He laid his head on my legs, and quietly sobbed.

Ezra was back to himself a couple days after I told him.
"Our wedding is next Tuesday." He told me with beaming eyes.
"I know! I'm super excited."
"There's one more thing I need to tell you." He said kissing my lips.
"Hmmm?" I said trying to keep kissing him.
"Well, you remember how our movie is published, and millions of people have watched it?"
"Yes." I said unbuttoning his shirt. He then looked me in the eyes and said, "well you were, um, nominated for an Oscar award."
"Shut up! No way!" I screamed, stopping what I was doing. "When?"
"I am so in love with you." I said kissing him again. We were interrupted, when Ezra's phone rang.
"Yes, she's around. We'll be there in half an hour." He said chuckling, when he hung up.
"What was that about?"
"You'll see." He bend down and kissed me again. He started pulling my shirt off,
"I love you Bay." Jacks voice ran through my mind.
"Stop. Stop! Please stop." I screamed, trying to get his voice out of my head.
"What am I doing wrong?" I stared at Ezra, pulling my thoughts together.
"Nothing, I'm just hearing things."
"Are you okay?" He asked concerned.
"Yeah, everything's fine." I said smiling. He brushed my arm and told me that we'd better get going.

"We're going shopping?"
"Yup." He said kissing my hand.
"But you hate shopping." I said looking at him.
"We both need to look good tonight."
"But it doesn't matter what you wear, you'll still be the most beautiful woman there."
"Stop, you're making me blush." I said giggling.
"Good, you deserve it." He said smiling widely. We walked around the giant dress shop, scanning through the aisles to find what we wanted. We stopped in the seventh aisle, when I found a sparkling gold dress, with a slit halfway to my high thigh. I pulled it out smiling. "This one."
"Let's try it on." Ezra Said grinning. We took it to the fitting room, and Ezra quietly waited outside the door, until I tried on the dress.

When it was finally on me, I looked in the mirror, wide eyed. I didn't even recognize myself in it.
"Ezra, you're going to love this dress." I shouted through the door.
"Let me see." He called back. I opened the door, and stepped out quietly. His mouth dropped the second his eyes fixed on me.
"You're absolutely stunning, and I cannot wait to marry you." He said meeting my lips.
"So its a yes?"
"I love you." I said smiling. He smiled back kissing me. We walked to the front to pay for the dress, and the tux.

Ezra drove me to the place to get my hair and makeup done. They curled my hair, and put on nude makeup. When they finished doing that, we drove back home to put on the dress, and my shoes.
"You're absolutely stunning Bay." He said kissing my hand.
"And you're absolutely handsome Ezra." I said smiling.
"I will forever be in love with you."
"As will I." I said looking at his gorgeous face. We drove in silence till we got there. It was a giant place. When we were inside, we walked up to the stand to sign in. They nodded their heads, and motioned us forward.

The next room we were in, had a lot of seats. More than a hundred, from what I could see. I looked around in awe, as Ezra lead me to our seats. This place was the most beautiful place I've ever saw.
"Here's our seats." Ezra whispered in my ear. Smiling, I took my seat. It didn't take long, before the other seats around us started to fill up. As we at there, the lights started to dim.

"Hello, My name is Sarah Harris, and I'll be telling you who won what."
I looked at Ezra, raising my eyebrow. He shrugged his shoulders, ignoring how bad of an introduction she gave. They called up various people, to various movies. Ezra and I sat there smiling, but hurt a little that they didn't call us for our movie.
"The next person I'm about to call up has been through so much, in her life," Ezra turned and smiled at me.
"Here we go." He whispered.

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