Chapter 7

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"You look amazing." Said Jack when I met him at the dinner table.
"Thank you." I said with a lump in my throat. I was terrified to tell him about his sister but he needed to know and he needed to be with her in her final moments. We practically sat there in silence eating our meals. I cleared my throat, waiting for the right moment.

"I want to tell you how I feel," he began "Bay I'm in love with you. I've always been in love with you." He reached for my hand but I pulled it away.
"I can't do this." I began to stand up
"Please don't leave,"
"I can't stay here anymore. I was in love with you for 10 years, 10 years! And you never said anything. You don't get the opportunity to sit here and pour your feelings out to me." Tears filled up in my eyes. "You wanna know how I'm feeling?"
"I'm feeling horrified my mother and fathers both been murdered, I'm pregnant, and there's something you need to know,"
His feelings were crushed "What is it?"
"Jade has stage 4 leukemia cancer. It has spread into her bones and throughout most of her organs." I said fighting back my tears, but I couldn't help it because he was crying.
"This isn't funny. Don't joke about this stuff." He was becoming hysterical
"I'm not joking. She's lost all her hair and she's in a lot of pain. All she wants is you." His heart shattered into a million pieces. His baby sister was dying rapidly and before he was.
"Take me to her." He cried "Now!" We got up and headed for my home.

"Jade?" I called for her. No answer. My heart dropped. I ran in quickly to find her throwing up in the bathroom.
"You scared me." She didn't look at me, she turned and looked at Jack. She reached for him. He was in her arms quickly.
"I've missed you so much," cried Jade
"Why didn't you tell me?" He choked out
"I couldn't talk to you after you did that to Bay"
"I'm your brother, you need to tell me things like this." Cried Jack. "Tell her"
"Tell me what?" Asked Jade
"I'm pregnant."

Chasing HollywoodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora