Chapter 14

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"Baby, please wake up." Cried Ezra. I couldn't move. He held my hand tightly. I kept seeing the light in the tunnel. It attracted me but I didn't want to go to it, so I avoided it.
"How long do you think she'll be in a coma for?" Ezra asked the doctor.
"I'm not sure, she has severe injuries. I don't think she's going to make it through the night, it's a miracle that she's still alive. I'm surprised her baby's alive." I'm pregnant? By the sounds of it Ezra wasn't happy with that.

He sat by my side everyday.
"I love you so much sweetheart." He said while kissing my hand. He would do that everyday. One day while he did that, I squeezed his hand. He jumped up on his feet.
"I need a doctor!" He was screaming. My eyes were open and I was staring at him.
"What's wrong?" Asked the doctor. There was no response so he looked for himself. His crystal eyes grew three times their size.
"You're a miracle." Said the doctor.
"2 years, 2 years you were abused everyday." Cried Ezra.
"Where's Danielle?" I asked. She appeared beside Ezra.
"Hi mommy." Smiled Danielle. She was stunning in every way. She had long beautiful golden blonde hair and bright blue eyes.
"I've missed you and daddy so much." I said holding her tightly. I never wanted to let her go. She poked my belly and asked "what's in there?" I looked down.
"A baby." She was amused.
"Why don't daddy take you to get some food." I said. He took my hint.
"Who wants some ice cream?" He asked. She was screaming, I guess she liked ice cream. He kissed me goodbye.

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