Chapter 6

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It was beautiful and sunny in Hollywood.
"Isn't it gorgeous?" Asked Jade. "Bay?"
Jade waved her hand in front of my face. I wasn't really talkative since the fight with Jack, finding out about my mom, and Jades secret. She pushed me.
"Have you heard anything from Jack?"
"No. I don't want to talk to him either." She said sadly.
"I have to go to set, I'll see you later. I love you." I rushed out the door afraid to be late.

"Good morning beautiful."
"Me?" I asked looking around
"Yes you silly." I never realized that he thought of me like that.
"Um... thank you." I said weirdly. He had that big crooked smile on his face, the one he gets when he sees me. He let his hands drop down to hold my hands but held my arm instead. I winced when he did that. His brows furrowed and he pulled up my shirt sleeve to see what was wrong.
"Who did this to you?" He asked concerned
"It's nothing,"
"Who grabbed you like this?"
"My friends brother. He was upset that I was moving." I said looking down. He pulled me in for a tight hug.

We've been working really hard on the movie. The more we worked on the movie together the closer we got. He was in love with me as much as I was in love with him. I couldn't get enough of him. He was everything that I wanted.

Weeks had gone by quickly. We were close to finishing the movie, Ezra and I were getting more serious, Jade got worse everyday. Her medicine wasn't working and it was breaking her heart that her brother wasn't here with her. I went to the doctors with her to see how bad it was.

"I'm sorry Jade, but there's nothing more that we can do for you. It spread into your bones and into more of your organs." The doctor said.
"How long?"
"About 1 year" said the doctor. I was holding her close and tight.
"What do we do?" I asked
"Give her the best last couple of months she has." Said doctor Mosley. We left the doctors office broken hearted. How was it my first love, my best friend, my everything was going to be leaving me forever in a few months?

"You don't deserve this," I was crying
"Nobody deserves this, but it's life and I just have to live with it." Sighed Jade. "I just want my brother!" Cried Jade. I felt bad because I couldn't do anything. I was finally over Jack, and didn't want to call him but I knew Jade wouldn't call him. I pulled my phone out hesitant to call him, but saw that I had a missed call from him. I called him, it rang for 6 seconds
"Hey, what did you want?"
"Your birthdays around the corner and I thought maybe we could go to dinner to celebrate it."
"We need to talk, but we can do it at dinner what time?"
"Saturday at 6." I could hear the excitement in his voice. I checked on Jade again before I left.

I stopped at the store and picked up a pregnancy test. I peed on the stick and waited. The two minutes were up and I was afraid to look down. Positive. I was pregnant. I got in my car and drove to Ezra's house. He opened the door before I knocked on it. I was crying.
"What's wrong dear?"
"Jades cancer gotten worse, she has a year to live if that. It's in her bones and most of her organs."
"I'm sorry dear" squeezed Ezra
"I'm pregnant," he looked at me quiet and stunned, he then smiled and wrapped me in his arms and spun me around.
"We're having a baby!" He screamed.

Chasing HollywoodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora