Chapter 19

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When we got back to our apartment, it was just him and I.
"I'm so glad you said yes." He breathed on my neck, sending electric waves through me. My stomach filled up with butterflies.
"Oh yeah?" I managed to get out of my mouth.
"Yeah." He said smiling while kissing my neck. He did things to me that nobody else did. I was up against the wall with him, and then tangled up with him in our bed.

"Good morning beautiful." He said staring in my eyes.
"What time is it?" I asked.
"11:15 a.m." my eyes were big.
"11:15 a.m!"
"Well 11:16 now." He pointed out. I rolled my eyes, and out of bed. I was trying to find a t-shirt to throw on so no one else would see me liked this.
"Where's your shirt?"
"In the living room." He smiled. I sighed and grabbed the blanket. He looked confused, and then I wrapped it around myself.
"You know curtains are nice to have."
"Hmm. Curtains, what are they?" He laughed. I rolled my eyes again. Ezra cocked his head to the side and rolled me over on the bed. He was on top of me, and we were both laughing. The moment was getting hot again, until a knock came across the door.
"Really?" I groaned, Ezra got up and was putting his pants on. There was another knock.
"I'm coming." He said. I walked over to my dresser with the blanket around me. I grabbed an outfit for the day and slipped into them.

"Hi guys!" He yelled "I've missed you so much." Danielle ran into his arms. I looked at his mom, she glared and handed me Jaden. I kissed Jadens nose and tickled her belly. Danielle ran over to my leg and hugged it. Jaden was playing with my ring, which made Danielle look.
"Yes hunny?"
"What's that circle on your finger?" I laughed.
"It's my ring, daddy and I are getting married." His mom gasped and it looked like she was going to have a heart attack.

"You're marrying her?" She asked viciously while glaring at Ezra.
"Is that a problem?" I hissed.
"I just wanted him to be a little older," she said with as much venom in her tone.
"You didn't complain about him being older when we gave you a granddaughter!" I yelled trying to keep my voice down. She pinched the bridge of her nose.
"I'm not doing this right now."
"You don't want him to marry me,"
"No I don't think it's that," he began.
"No, I get it. I'll never be enough for you, or your family. I got the picture now." I was walking away. He reached for my arm.
"Bay... Bay!" He was yelling for me, I was running to our room.

When I got to our room, I slammed the door shut and locked it. I buried my face down in the blanket crying. My breathing started to slow down, as I started drifting off to sleep.

There were quiet knocks.
"Bay, Honey," He said softly.
"Go away!" I could hear him breathing. He didn't say anything, but he was there.
"You don't want to marry me, that's what you're going to say. If it comes down to me and your mom, you'll choose her. If it comes down to me and the girls against your mom, you'll choose your mom. I understand you knew her longer but come on." I said sniffling. Ezra sighed.
"I want to marry you, and I will. I want all of you, today, tomorrow, and for the rest of my life." He turned the knob. It was still locked.
"Please let me in, so we can talk." I hesitated to open the door, but before I knew it I was on my feet unlocking the door for him.

He met me with a hug, and kissed my cheek. We talked about what was bothering us, then we layed down. Ezra snored gently in my ear. Bzz bzz. His phone went off, I layed there quietly trying to fall back asleep. Bzz bzz. It was his phone again. I didn't want to wake him up and I just figured it was work, so I let it go. Bzz bzz. His phone kept going off, and I couldn't take it anymore. I quietly got up and went over to his phone. The screen lit up to a number I didn't recognize. I breathed deeply. The first text read:
"Hey baby, I miss you. Come over tonight?" My heart sank.

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