Chapter 30

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"Ow." I said rubbing my face. I looked around, and Jack was in front of me. I looked down so I couldn't see him. It was dark, but light enough I could see a couple things. Danielle wasn't in here with me, and my clothes were missing.
"Where is Danielle, and why are my clothes off."
"Don't worry about it."
"I am worried about it!" I screamed.
"You're mine." He told me. I cocked my head to the side.
"Your mine now. Danielle is ours."
"Yes. We're going to have another baby since our first one died."
"No!" I screamed.
"If you can't produce another one, then you, me, and Danielle will die together."
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm saying that if you don't get pregnant, then I will first kill Danielle, then you, if you don't do it yourself, and then I'll shoot myself."
"No!" I screamed.
"Haha I'm kidding. Goodness take a joke. We're not having another child, but I am going to kill all of us." He patted my shoulder, as I started to cry.
"Aw common, be a team player."
"Please. Don't. What do you want?" I choked out.
"I want a family, but I can't live to see you and Ezra have a family. You can't honestly tell me if I let you live, you won't go back to Ezra. Can you?" He said staring in my eyes. I looked away and shook my head.
"That's what I thought."

"I love you so much Bay."
"Where's Danielle?"
"Watching tv."
"Bring her to me, please." I asked impatiently. He rolled his eyes and got up.
"Please toss me my clothes."
"What are you talking about?" He asked confused.
"On the floor."
"What clothes. Your clothes are on you." I looked down, there were clothes on me. What? There just wasn't.
"I think you're loosing it. Are you ok?"
"Yeah." He disappeared.

They came walking through the door.
"Hi baby." I said reaching out for her, but she didn't move. Jack nudged her forward. She stood a foot away from my face. Danielle leaned forward, slapped me across the face and yelled in my face "I hate you!" And walked off. I sat there stunned.
"What just happened?"
"Your daughter hates you."
"What did you tell her?"
"Don't lie to me."
"Since when do you tell me what to do?" He pushed. I looked down at the ground.
"That's what I thought."
"Please." I cried. He got up. And started to shout. "I cannot live without you!" He then continued, this time pulling out a gun. "We're all in this together. We were meant to be together, just you and I."
"What about Danielle?" I asked searching his eyes.
"Hmmm. I know I said I'd kill her, but maybe, I'll just kill both, and let her live. She probably won't live long though, knowing she's only like five, and she's not the sharpest tool in the shed." I covered my ears, trying to block out his words. I thought of something that would change his mind automatically.

"You're in love with me, after I killed Jade?" I pushed. He stiffened. He stayed quiet, and I continued, "You should have seen her suffer all those months." I shot a glance in his direction, watching his reaction.
"What cats got your tong-"
"Shut up," He mumbled "Shut up!" He jumped to his feet and shouted. I jumped a little and stayed seated. Jack had his fists closed around handfuls of hair. After a couple of seconds pacing around, he shot his head in my direction tears streaming down his face. For a second, I seen the Jack that I knew.
"Jackson." I said quietly, but loud enough for him to hear me.
"Stop!" He pulled the gun up, in line with my forehead.
"You still miss her." I said sympathetic. I got to my feet, and walked cautiously towards him, with my right hand out in front of me.

When I reached him, I grabbed the gun slowly, and he dropped to his knees sobbing.
"I miss her so much."
"I miss her too. Heck I named both of my children after her." We laid there, crying ourself to sleep.

"Hey!" She said walking towards me.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"Just checking up on you. Oh my goodness Danielle's beautiful. She looks just like you." Her eyes sparkled when she spoke. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly.
"I'm really sorry about Jackson. My deaths taken a huge toll on him. He physically and emotionally cannot act without me. I love him so much." She said apologetically.
"I miss you so much." I said, tears stinging the corners of my eyes.
"I know. But it was my time. I had no more purpose here. I've done everything I could've done."
"No. We need you here. Jack needed and still continues to need you, and I need you in my life. You were my childhood best friend. You could've done more than you did," I sobbed. I couldn't finish what I was saying before she interrupted me.
"Well, this is it. I have to get going. I want to visit Jackson before I have to go."
"Will you be back?"
"I don't know, I love you." She said kissing my forehead before disappearing.
"I love you too," I mumbled in the empty air.

I couldn't move, no matter how hard I jerked, turned, or pulled. I started to cry, when Jack walked through the door.
"I see that you're awake."
"Why am I tied up?" He stayed quiet, studying me. "Answer me!"
"You could've killed me yesterday,"
"What are you talking about?" I asked confused. He shook his head and continued, "You grabbed the gun yesterday, it was in your hand."
"But I didn't shoot you!" I screamed, feeling a vain pop out of my neck.
"But you could've." He said pointing his finger.
"Oh my god, just kill me. I can't stand it here with you anymore." He slammed his fist against the wall.
"You're stupid,"
"Thank you!" I shouted.
"That's not what I mean." He said shaking his head.
"Then explain it." I said angrily. He paced across the room, scrambling the right words to say into his mind.
"You have it good here, I know it's not your stupid mansion, with Ezra, but it's something, and I'm trying. I really am trying, but you need to try too."
"I've done nothing wrong, but touch your stupid gun." He still continued to shake his head.
"Do you seriously want an apology?"
"No, I'll be the one giving you an apology."
"What do you mea-" He snapped my leg. I screamed in pain.
"Is that all you got?" I knew I was egging him on, but I didn't want him to think that his lesson wasn't clear.

He went for my other leg before I stopped him, "Jade visited me last night." I blurted.
"What?" He cocked his head to the side.
"She talked to me."
"What did she say?"
"She said that she's done everything here on earth, and that there was no more purpose for her. She told me that she loved you." I look at him cautiously. His hand was over his mouth, tears falling down his cheeks.
"She really loved you." I could feel tears streaming down my face now.
"I'm sorry." Something inside him snapped. He started untying me, and wrapped his arms around me. "I'm so sorry Bay. I never meant to hurt you." He continued sobbing. All he needed was to hear Jade tell him that she loved him.
"I'll walk you out the door." He helped me down off of the bed. Jack noticed that I couldn't walk that well, so he scooped me up and carried me.
"Common Danielle, you and mommy are going home." Jack told Danielle, she got up and hugged me, then she took my hand, as we walked outside.

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