Chapter 16

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It was strange seeing Ezra leave with Danielle and Jaden without me, but it was what was needed. I needed to get better, even if that meant not being with my family. They came in with a bunch of tools, it kinda scared me.
"You're going to feel a bunch of pain all at once. Are you ready?"
"Just get it done and over." He re-broke my leg as I screamed in agony.
"All done with that leg. You're doing great." Said the one doctor. They did the same thing with my other leg, and this time I screamed a little louder.
I layed there watching the news. I was all over it.

"Missing actress Bay Grey was found in an abandoned basement of a church. She was found beaten so badly, she didn't look alive. She's getting better now. We hope for a speedy recovery Bay." Who knew I'd be on the news everywhere. I wanted to see my family, but I couldn't.

It's been about 6 weeks and my legs were all healed but my arms were in casts. They had me start walking. I felt like a baby. Being watched, needing help with everything it made me feel weak.
"Walk with me?" Asked Ezra.
"Yeah." We walked down the hallway together.
"I can't forgive myself for what happened that night. I should have answered the door. Not you." He was crying.
"Don't beat yourself up. I'm still here aren't I?"
"You and Danielle are the reason why I'm still here." He smiled.
"How did they know where to find me?"
"I hired someone to watch Jack. He was really suspicious. One day Jack was at the store, the guy I hired followed him. The guy came back and told me, so I told the police. It didn't take them 5 minutes and they were in their cars searching for you." He held my hand. I pulled him in for a hug. He's my everything.
"I love you."
"I love you."

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