Chapter 4

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When we entered the area for auditions, I gained a lot of feelings. I was nervous, upset, and angry. I was nervous because I'm 17 and if I get the audition, then I'll have to move from my apartment in New York, all the way to an apartment in Hollywood. If I don't get the audition, then I'll be embarrassed. I'm upset because my dad isn't here to support me and cheer me on to do my best. I was also angry because my mom wasn't here for me anymore. When we found out my father had been murdered, she grew distant, became an alcoholic, started taking drugs, and started to abuse me. She couldn't remember who I was half the time and that broke my heart. She left me when I was 14, and to this day I don't know where she's at, how she's been, or anything.

"Bay Grey?" Said a young woman. I stood up a little sweaty.
"Please come with me sweetheart." I quietly followed her to where I needed to be. When we stopped I focused and that's when I saw him, Ezra Johnson.
"Hi I'm Bay," I said confidently. He liked that I was confident, I could see it in his eyes.
"It's nice to finally meet you. I'm Ezra" he said as he shook my hand. He had a British accent, brown hair, and blue eyes. I was mesmerized.

The director interrupted my thoughts and yelled "Action!"
"Laynie please don't go, I need you."
"It's too late. I've already made up my mind. I don't need you anymore." I started to walk away and he grabbed my arm to stop me, when I tried to let his grip loose his face swelled up with tears. He tried to talk some more
"NO! You're the one who cheated on me with my best friend! You don't get to do this, not anymore. It's my turn to break your heart." Tears we're streaming down my face. I started to walk away again, and that's when he grabbed my arm and spun me around to meet his lips. For a moment I forgot what was going on around us.
"And cut!" Yelled the director smiling and clapping.
"That's all we need to hear and see." Ezra was smiling while walking towards me. "Congratulations Ms. Laynie Pierce, you got the role." He whispered into my ear. My stomach swirled and filled up with butterflies. I couldn't stop smiling.
"Hold out your hand."
"Okay? For what?" I asked confused. He pulled out a thin black sharpie and started to write down his number on the palm of my hand.
"Call me." He said with a smile as big as Texas.

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