Chapter 1

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"Bay, Bay!" I could feel someone shaking me awake. The shaking stopped for a little, then It started again to where it was interrupting me from my beauty sleep.
"What?" I groaned and rolled over to my side to sit up on the edge of the bed. I opened my eyes to find the blinding sun and my best friend Jade.

"Wake up sleepy head, guess what day it is?" she didn't give me enough time to answer,
"It's audition day!" She walked over to my California King and started lifting me off of the bed and onto my feet. Being close to her like that made my stomach flutter. Jade and I experimented with each other, and I ended up catching feelings for her. My feelings for her weren't over the roof crazy, but they were there. I was crazy about her brother Jack. She leaned down to see if I was still awake
"Are you still there Bay?" she asked giggling. The smell of her was like strawberries, but sweeter.

"I was in the middle of a good dream, until someone woke me up." I said thickly with a glare. I needed to start getting around but I didn't want to. Jade took my hand and lead me to a chair and plopped me down. She was brushing my hair faster then I sat down.
"You don't have to rush, we have a couple hours until auditions." When I said that she paused and stopped what she was doing. Bzz Bzz, Jade answered her phone.
"Okay, we're here at her house. Don't crinkle her dress Jackson, or you'll be buying a new one... yeah, yeah love you too, bye"
"You let Jack get my dress!? You've got to be kidding It'll be in a million pieces by the time he gets here. You know that, and I know that." We both busted up laughing "But wait, why is Jack in charge of my clothes?" I asked curiously. She sealed her lips into a thin line and tried to hide a tiny crooked smile.
"No reason. I just knew I'd be busy with your hair and makeup, and he was free for the day... so yeah, I thought I'd have him get the dress, but I mean, if you want me to have someone else bring it..."
"NO! I mean no, it's fine he already has it." I said blushing
"Uh huh, you liar. You just want to see him."
"No I don't." I turned my face away so she couldn't see my cherry red face.

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