Chapter 18

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Ezra went to the restaurant to make our reservations. He told me to go up to our room, so of course I listened to him. When I got up there the door was shut. I opened the door and looked around til I saw it. A strapless red carpet dress that went down to my ankles with it split up to my high thigh. There was a note attached to it.
Bay, wear this dress to dinner tonight. You deserve to look stunning, not that you aren't. You will be and you are the most beautiful woman in my life other than Danielle and Jaden. I love you forever and always -Ezra
I smiled. He was literally the sweetest person around. I got into the dress, it was stunning. I straightened my hair and put on nude makeup. I heard a beep outside, I looked. It was a limo. The driver was walking up to my front door. There was a knock at the door, the wave of panic swept through me again. It's from Ezra I thought to myself. I walked downstairs and answered the door.

"I'm here to pick you up, and bring you to Mr. Ezra Johnson." All of my panic disappeared.
"Let me grab my things." He stood there patiently. I came back to the door with my purse. The driver escorted me to the limo door. It was giant.

The drive was long and quiet, until it slammed to a halt. The door to my left opened to a fancy 5 star restaurant. Ezra was standing by the door, he walked over to my door and greeted me. He kissed my cheek and lifted me to my feet.

"You're absolutely gorgeous, how'd I ever get so lucky?" He asked with his beautiful seductive British accent. He was everything. I wasn't paying any attention, but we were walking to the door. He opened it for me, being the gentleman that he was.
"Johnson." He told the lady.
"Come this way." She motioned us to follow her, so we did. Everyone stared at us all the way until we reached our table, and when we sat down they still stared.
The waitress took our orders and left.

"It's beautiful here isn't it?"
"It's very beautiful here." I agreed. The waitress appeared with our orders and then disappeared again. We made small talk while eating our meals. I mainly payed attention to Ezra's face and body movement. He was nervous. I could see a little bit of sweat on the corners of his forehead. We finished our meals, and he cleared his throat.
"So I've been thinking," he started. "We've been together for awhile now." He stood up, pulled something out of his pocket, and got onto one knee. He opened the box in his hand and continued what he was saying

"Bay Cheryl Grey, I love you with everything in me, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I will always love you no matter what. You are my happiness, my whole, my life, and the reason why my world spins. I want to be by your side every moment and second everyday. Will you marry me?" I was crying.
"Yes! Yes!" I couldn't stop shaking my head. He met me with a kiss and then a hug.
"She said yes!" He yelled. The whole restaurant clapped to our proposal.

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