Chapter 11

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"Someone go get Jack." Said Ezra. A nurse shook her head and disappeared.
"Honey, Danielle is hungry." I didn't answer him. All I wanted was Jade back.
"Bay," Ezra continued. I didn't want to answer but she was my baby and I needed to be there for her.
"Let me see her." I said wiping my tears away. I fed Danielle while I held onto Jade. The door came swinging open. Jack.

"No, no! She's not dead." He Started shaking her. There was no movement from her cold pale body. He fell beside her bed sobbing. His first heartbreak was the death of his sister.

The morgue came up to claim her body. Jack and I wouldn't let them take her.
"No, you can't have my sister." He cried.
"I'm sorry for your loss." Then they took her. I was still holding Danielle. She was as perfect as ever.
"Hi pretty girl," I said to her. She smiled.
"What are you naming her?" Asked the doctor
"Danielle Jade Johnson." I said with a smile. Jack looked up and his eyes were full of fire. He got up and started walking towards me
"She's dead because of you." I layed there confused.
"You let her die." He was pointing his finger in my face.
"I think it's time for you to leave." Warned Ezra. Jack was laughing.
"I didn't kill her. She told me, I took her to multiple doctors and they all said the same thing. Maybe if you were there for her more often then maybe you could've tried something different. You weren't there for her. I was." Ezra had Danielle in his hands, and the doctors had security escort Jack out of my room. 

"She's so tiny." I said looking at her.
"She looks just like you. So beautiful." Ezra said. I laughed.

We went home two days after Danielle was born. When I walked into my apartment there was a note on the table, I picked it up and it said:
Dear Bay,
If you got this letter then it happened. These last couple months of my life were rough and I apologize. You didn't need to do what you did, but you did. You were an angel from the moment I have met you. I was in a great deal of pain, but it was worth it. My last wish was to see Danielle be born, and it came true. She was beautiful. You'll have to tell her all of our great times and memories together. Don't sit and wallow over me, go live your amazing Hollywood life. Just don't forget about me. I love you so so so much. Until we meet again Jade.
This letter was everything to me. Ezra saw me crying and looked down at the letter.
"It'll get better love." He promised.

Jades funeral was today, and I couldn't find much black to wear. Danielle didn't even have any black. I sat there staring blankly. I remembered Jades mom was still alive and most likely unaware of what happened. I pulled out my phone and called her mom.
"Hello?" She picked up on the third ring.
"Mrs. Taylor,"
"Yes, that's me."
"This is Jades friend, and I have some news to tell you." I said flatly
"What is it?"
"Jade... she had passed away. She died of cancer and I thought you should know." I heard her start crying.
"When's the funeral?" Demanded her mom.
"Today." She hung up.

We sat there waiting for them to call me up to give her eulogy. They motioned me forward to come speak. I got up and walked over to where her casket was. I looked out into the crowd and spotted her mom. I cleared my throat.
"Jade was a lot of things," I began "She was beautiful, funny, smart, amazing. She was everything you would list for perfect. I loved her so much. Heaven took her so soon, I never got to say goodbye. All though you never really get to say goodbye to your loved ones. She was my rock, my shoulder to cry on, my best friend, my first love, and most importantly my sister. She was a part of me. I can remember the time we egged Ryan Yangs house when he rejected my proposal for our freshman homecoming." I was crying. I looked over at her in her casket. She was beautiful. She was wearing her mother's blue dress. Jade has always loved it. We never thought one day she would be buried in it. It was a rough day today, almost everyone spoke about her, telling all of their great times together. She will forever be loved.

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