Darth Vader x C-3PO

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Another request by Chica_Is_Awesome1 thanks for this I guess, even though it's totally a cursed brain image.

Darth Vader: why?

C-Poe: I don't like this nickname. I also don't like this ship.

Yoitsme108: me too guys, look at the meme I used, it's very fitting.

Darth Vader: even if it's Kenobi (barfs a little) yes it accurately describes this situation.

C-Poe: lets just rate now, that would make sense.

Yoitsme108: no we have to react more.

C-Poe: but the chances of a relationship like this working out are-

Yoitsme108: I don't have time for this. I don't want to hear your estimates okay C- snapcracklepop?

C-Poe: at least C-Poe sounds similar to my name. That nickname, you only got the C correct.

Darth Vader: I don't want any nicknames right now. I'm not in the mood.

Yoitsme108: not even Vadie? Vades? Ani? Limbless?

Darth: I will make you regret your words.

Yoitsme108: *sits down on the couch* DJ threepiooooo! In the house! Come sit by me.

C-Poe: but Jedi masters only.

Yoitsme108: I've lost track of my rules but uhh, new rule! You are allowed!

C-Poe: ok *sits*

Yoitsme108: but like, sorry Vader Vader - see ya later, new rule, you can never sit on the couch, no amendment allowed.

Vader: *pushes the couch down the stairs*

C-Poe: oh my goodness!

Yoitsme108: ugh, not again. Hang on smol Luke *hugs porg*

Vader: I said no nicknames.

Yoitsme108: -6million/10
C-Poe: 0/10
Vades: -66/10


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