🌸Characters x objects🌸

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Darth Maul x his red light saber
Krennic x his Death Star
Luke x blue milk
Kylo Ren x Darth Vader's mask
Palpatine x his senate obsession
Nines x the word traitor
Poe x X-Wing or BB-8
Hux x Millie or Yoitsme108
Snoke x the idea that he can't be betrayed
Han x the falcon
Ki-Adi-Mundi x the droid attack on the wookies

Hey guys, give me more thing like this and I'll do another chapter like this. Do you like this?

Hux: no. Take your name off of mine. That's not true.

Yoitsme108: you like the pic above?? 😫😏

Hux: where did you get it?

Yoitsme108: I took it.

Hux: Stop. And take your name off!

Yoitsme108: no.


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