Obi-Wan x Ahsoka

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Yoitsme108: this is worse then Anakin x Ahsoka !!!

Obi-wan: why do you do this?

Yoitsme108: hey buddy, I don't ship it. But some people do.

Ahaoka: didn't I already establish that master Kenobi doesn't know how to have any fun? I could never.

Yoitsme108: he can be fun. He is a meme god!

Obi-wan: what's a meme?

Yoitsme108: do you have two hours of free time?

Obi-wan: no!

Yoitsme108: can't explain the full extent of a meme then.

Ahaoka: you can call those memes kenoboi memes!

Yoitsme108: this is why you are loved Ahsoka! Obi-Wan kenoboiiiiiiii!

Obi-Wan- *covers ears and glares* please, stop!

Ahsoka: See, He can't handle my ideas. It would never work out.

Yoitsme108: u rite!

Obi-wans Rating: 0/10
Ahsokas rating: -888/10
Yoitsme108s rating: 0/10 ew.


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