C-3PO x luke

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Yoitsme108: ummmm. No. Just no.

Luke: better then my own sister.

C-3PO: having an intimate relationship with my master, that is also a human has a 666 to 1 chance of working out.

Luke: I can't even stand 3PO half the time. I don't think I could do that. Like at all.

C-3PO: having a mate is not in my programming. I can have a friend. That stupid droid R2 for example. Would you like to be just friends master Luke?

Luke: did you just friend zone me?

C-3PO: because I have the same face for eternity, I must tell you how I feel. I'm confused. What's the friend zone.

Luke: you know what, don't worry about it.

C-3PO rating -666/10
Luke's rating: 1/10
Yoitme108s rating: 0/10

Thanks to preciousfreeman321 . They are very nice to this book and I appreciate it.

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