Snoke x Kylo Ren

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Yoitsme108: this is quite possibly the most kinky thing in the world. 🙁

Kylo Ren: which half would I date. *audience claps in the back*

Snoke: you have two half's too.  Are you a Jedi or a sith??? Huh???? Decide!

Kylo Ren: you're suppose to be dead. Be quiet. *audience cheers louder in the back*

Yoitsme108: who wore it better? Anakin or snoke? Ya know. Blue lightsaber wise. *audience loses their minds from great appreciation*

Kylo Ren: I think Anakin did. I don't know if you know this. But I like darth Vader. I'm going to finish what he started.

Yoitsme108: yeah. I might have heard you say that once or twice🤓😂

Snokes rating 💀/10
Kylo rens rating 0/10
Yoitsme108s rating: -infinity/10

Happy New Years. Thought I should have something funny for 2018

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